Honduras - 2.3.12 Land Border Crossing of El Corinto


The Customs of Corinto is located in the northern zone of Honduras, in the Department of Cortés.

This new customs territory is consolidated as a more attractive market for investors because it contains half of the Central American population, among other benefits.

For the implementation of the process of deepening integration, Integrated Border Posts have been created, which have Trade Facilitation Centers to guarantee an agile passage of goods and Control Centers to attend to goods exempted from free circulation. To this is added the upcoming implementation of the Peripheral Customs of the Customs Union, which will serve to attend the customs operations of goods entering the single customs territory.

The Customs Union seeks to facilitate trade between Guatemala and Honduras, accelerating it and reducing its cost. The two countries have integrated their trade procedures at three common land borders: Agua Caliente, El Florido and Corinto. Instead of duplicating paperwork and paperwork on both sides of the border, trade between Honduras and Guatemala now requires only an online instrument called "FYDUCA" (Factura y Declaración Única Centroamericana).

In the customs union between Guatemala and Honduras, 75% of trade between the two countries was liberalized, making them more competitive and productive. This meant 50% of the Central American population and about 52% of intraregional trade.

The Customs Union model will work in two additional customs offices, El Amatillo and El Poy. The benefit in terms of the mobility of goods at the borders thanks to the Customs Union will make it possible to speed up the crossing procedures, a reduction in transaction costs for all exporters and for users of border points.


Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point

El Corinto

Province or district


Nearest city with distance from the border crossing

Puerto Cortes



15° 34' 58"


-88° 22' 14"

Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Ramon Villeda Morales Airport

125.1 km

Travel time by truck: 2 h 12 min

Travel time by car: 2 h 12 min

Nearest port

Puerto Cortes

60.0 km

Travel time by truck: 1 h 12 min

Travel time by car: 1 h 12 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Puerto Cortes Industrial Zone

60 km

Travel time by truck: 1 hrs

Travel time by car: 1 hrs

Additional information



Opening hours


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00

National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations



Daily capacity

With the implementation of the FYDUCA within the Customs Union between Guatemala and Honduras, it has been possible to facilitate trade and competitiveness of companies by eliminating the times used in customs management thanks to its implementation. The average transit time is 30 min.

Customs clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)

In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.







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