1.2 Peru Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

During the last twenty years, Peru has experienced significant progress. The introduction of more effective macroeconomic reforms and social programs in the 1990s and since 2000 have generated significant improvements in economic growth, welfare, and poverty reduction. To continue on this path, Peru has made regulatory policy a key element of its development strategy to improve its current policies and to adopt the best international practices on regulatory quality.

Regarding regulatory policies in Peru, the policies, institutions and tools used by the Peruvian government to design, implement and apply high quality regulations are evaluated. This includes administrative simplification policies, ex ante and ex post evaluation of regulations, public consultation practices, and the governance of independent regulators.

Policies are based on international best practices and peer review to strengthen the government's capacity to manage regulatory policy. Peru has many concrete elements of regulatory policy in place. For example, agencies and ministries are required to conduct a cost benefit analysis for specific sets of draft regulations, and to make these drafts available to the public, and a broad program of administrative simplification spans the central and sub-national levels of government.

The supervisory and control agencies and government entities in Peru are the following: The National Institute for the Defence of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI); regulatory agencies and inspections including the National Superintendence of Sanitation Services (SUNASS), the Supervisory Agency for Private Investment in Telecommunications (OSIPTEL), the Supervisory Agency for Investment in Energy and Mining (OSINERGMIN), the Supervisory Agency for Investment in Public Use Transport Infrastructure (OSITRAN), the Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Agency (OEFA), the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT), the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP (Pension Fund Administrators) (SBS), and the National Superintendence of Labour Inspection (SUNAFIL).

General Directorate of Environmental Health (DIGESA) (Ministry of Health)

They contribute to protecting the health of the population by establishing the sanitary conditions that the storage of finished foods destined for human consumption must comply with, as stipulated by the manufacturers (temperature, humidity, sunlight, etc.) and the application of good storage practices. They also establish the general principles of hygiene that warehouses and industrially processed food storage operations must comply with, as finished products intended for human consumption. The fields of application are at the national level and include natural and legal persons, public and private, who operate internal and external warehouses, of establishments of manufacture, fractionation and distribution of industrially processed foods in their condition as finished products intended for consumption. Where applicable, it applies to the storage of finished product containers intended for human consumption. It is the Ministry of Health through the General Directorate of Environmental Health (DIGESA) at the national level, and through the Health Directorates or the one that acts as the Metropolitan Line; at the regional level, the Regional Health Directorate (DIRESA), the Regional Health Management (GERESA) or the one acting in its place in the Regional Government or the one acting in its place; and at the local level, the Local Government through the municipalities. Food chain: Phases that cover food from primary production to final consumption.

Administrative Office – Headquarters

Calle Las Amapolas # 350, Urb. San Eugenio

Lima 15073, Peru

Tel.       +5114428353 / +5114428356

Fax.      +5114226404



Supervisory Agency For Investment in Energy and Mining (OSINERGMIN)

OSINERG is a public institution attached to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru and is in charge of supervising that electricity companies, fuel companies and those of the general Mining regime of Peru comply the legal regulations of the activities they carry out. It was recognized for being the first Peruvian public institution to win the Silver Medal of the 2011 Ibero-American Quality Award. It was created on December 31, 1996, through Law No. 26734, under the name OSINERG. He began the exercise of his functions on October 15, 1997, supervising that the electricity and hydrocarbon companies provide a permanent, safe and quality service. As of 2007, Law No. 28964 expanded its field of work to the mining subsector and was renamed OSINERGMIN. For this reason, it also supervises that mining companies carry out their activities in a safe and healthy manner.

The Main Functions of OSINERGMIN are:

  • Supervise and supervise, the activities of the Mining of the general regime, concerning infrastructure security.
  • Supervise that the electric companies of Peru provide their services in a safe and reliable manner.
  • Combat informality in the sale of fuels and supervise that in oil blocks, refineries, tanks, taps and gas sales venues
  • Establish rates for electricity and natural gas transportation.
  • Resolve in second instance the claims of the users of electricity and natural gas.

Administrative Office – Headquarters

Calle Bernardo Monteagudo # 222

Lima 15076, Peru

Tel.       +5112193410




National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property - INDECOPI

INDECOPI protects the rights of consumers and promote a culture of fair and honest competition in the Peruvian economy, safeguarding all forms of Intellectual Property: from distinctive signs and copyrights to patents and biotechnology. It is recognized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). In addition, in the branch of Intellectual Property, Indecopi is the headquarters of the Academy of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The work carried out by the institution is intense, technical, specialized and very strict in compliance with the law.

National Institute for the Defence of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi) is an entity attached to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Their competencies are:

  • Manage the Intellectual Property System
  • Contribute to the improvement of regulatory quality
  • Protect consumers
  • Defend free competition
  • Ensure the legality of the agreements adopted by the creditors' meetings in bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Control unfair competition
  • Monitor compliance with the rules that prevent and correct distortions of competition generated by the     importation of products at dumped or subsidized prices.
  • Manage the Official Infrastructure of the Electronic Signature

Administrative Offices - Headquarters

Av. Del Aire # 384

San Borja, Lima - 15034


Tel.       +5112247800



National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT)

The National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration - SUNAT, according to law is a specialized technical body, attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The primary purpose of SUNAT is to administer the taxes of the national government and the tax and non-tax concepts that are entrusted to it by law or according to the inter-institutional agreements that are signed, providing the resources required for fiscal solvency and macroeconomic stability; ensuring the correct application of the regulations that regulate the matter and combating tax and customs crimes in accordance with its attributions.

It also aims to implement, inspect and control compliance with customs policy in the national territory and international traffic of goods, people and means of transport, facilitating foreign trade customs activities and ensuring the correct application of treaties. In addition, international conventions and other regulations that govern the matter. Likewise, it is responsible for participating in the fight against illegal mining as well as drug trafficking, through the control and supervision of the entry, stay, transport or transfer and exit of the products of the mining activity, of chemical inputs and machinery that can be used. In illegal mining, as well as the control and supervision of chemical inputs, products and their by-products or derivatives, law establishes machinery and equipment that can be used directly or indirectly in the production of illicit drugs; and other purposes that.

Additionally, it must provide the administered services that facilitate compliance with their tax, customs and other obligations related to the functions performed by SUNAT, as well as provide services to the public within the scope of its competence.

The functions and attributions of SUNAT are:

  • Administer the internal taxes of the National Government, as well as the tax and non-tax concepts whose administration or collection is entrusted to it by Law or Inter-Institutional Agreement.
  • Propose to the Ministry of Economy and Finance the regulation of tax, customs and other rules of its competence.
  • Issue, within the scope of its competence, provisions on tax and customs matters, establishing obligations of taxpayers, managers and / or users of the customs service, provide measures that lead to the simplification of the procedures corresponding to customs regimes, as well as regulate the procedures derived from these.
  • To dictate rules regarding organization and internal management in the area of ​​its competence.
  • Systematize and organize the legislation and statistical information on foreign trade, in order to provide general information on the matter in accordance with the Law, as well as that related to the internal and customs taxes that it administers.
  • Celebrate technical and administrative cooperation agreements and conventions in matters of its competence.
  • Promote, coordinate and execute technical cooperation, research, training and improvement activities in tax and customs matters, in the country or abroad.
  • Grant the postponement and / or fractionation for the payment of the tax or customs debt, in accordance with the Law.
  • Request, and if necessary execute, measures destined to protect the perception of the taxes that it administers and to order the suspension of the same when it corresponds, according to the Law.
  • Control and supervise the traffic of merchandise, whatever its origin and nature at the national level.
  • Inspect, supervise and control customs agencies, official dispatchers, authorized warehouses, fiscal warehouses, storage terminals, consignees and means of transport used in the international traffic of people, goods or others.
  • Prevent, prosecute and report smuggling, customs revenue fraud, tax fraud and illicit merchandise traffic, as well as applying measures to safeguard the fiscal interest.
  • Develop and apply systems for the verification and control of quality, quantity, kind, class and value of merchandise, except those that are in transit and transshipment, in order to determine their classification in the tariff nomenclature and the applicable rights.
  • Develop and administer systems for the analysis and inspection of the values ​​declared by users of the customs service.
  • Resolve contentious and non-contentious matters and, in this sense, resolve administratively the appeals filed by taxpayers or responsible parties; raise appeals and comply with the Resolutions of the Tax Court, and, where appropriate, those of the Judicial Power.
  • Punish those who contravene the legal and administrative provisions of a tax and customs nature, in accordance with the Law.
  • Exercise the acts and measures of coercion necessary for the collection of debts for the concepts that it administers. .
  • Maintain in custody the merchandise and property seized, seized or forfeited, carrying out the auction of the same when it proceeds in the exercise of its functions.
  • Award merchandise according to Law.
  • Develop information, dissemination and training programs on tax and customs matters.
  • Edit, reproduce and officially publish the updated National Customs Tariff, customs treaties and agreements, as well as customs rules and procedures for general use.
  • Determine the correct application and collection of the taxes that it administers and of others whose collection is entrusted to it, as well as the rights they charge for the services they provide, in accordance with the Law.
  • Lead initiatives and projects related to the foreign trade logistics chain when they have one or more components of customs activities, coordinating with the corresponding public and private sector entities, which must implement the harmonized processes that are established.
  • Control and supervise the entry, stay, transport or transfer and exit of controlled assets that may be used in illegal mining, as well as in the manufacture of illicit drugs.
  • Exercise the other functions indicated by the Law.

Central Office: Avenida Garcilaso de la Vega 1472, Lima 1, Peru

Phone: + 511 315-0730



For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List.

Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria – SENASA

Address Main Office. Av. La Molina # 1915, Lima 15012

Tel. +511 313-3300



Centro Nacional de Control de Calidad – CNCC

Address Main Office. Avenida Defensores del Morro # 2268, Lima 15054

Tel. +511 467 4499, +511 251 6656

Sr. Charlton Garces




Address. Av. Faustino Sanchez Carreon # 410, Lima 15076

Tel. +511 463 0584

Fax. +511 463 5217

E-mail. o



Address. Avenida La Marina # 3035, Lima 15086

Tel. +511 616 5200

Fax. +511 616 5216




Address. Calle Joaquin Capello # 222, Lima 15074

Tel. +511 221-4298

Fax. +511 441 3939


Address. Avenida Almirante Guise # 2568, Lima 15073

Tel. +511 222 0518, +511 222 0611, +511 222 3431

Fax. +511 221 3441, +511 221 4965, +511 222 0512




For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List.


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