2 Bolivia Logistics Infrastructure

Bolivia Logistics Infrastructure 

In almost a decade (2004 - 2013), resources in the General State Budget rose approximately 380% in construction; road maintenance, 650%; in the water sector, 780%; in energy, and the biggest public investment was allocated to telecommunications, namely 40.000 %, with the purchase, placing in orbit and construction of 3 satellite earth stations, for communication.
The following information is extracted from the report by the Confederation of Private Entrepreneurs of Bolivia, "Investment and Growth" – 2013”:
Within the public investment in infrastructure, transport is the area receiving more resources, related largely to road construction. In geographical terms, departmental road networks have shown the highest growth rate, with an increase in its extension of more than 300%, while the basic road network roads have had an increase of 120% and municipal roads of barely 50%.
Investment in water resources (mainly irrigation) has had a better performance, because between 1990 and 2012 investment in this sector has risen more than 19 times.
In recent years, investment in the productive sector has shown a significant increase, especially by the high prices of minerals with respect to their role in the economy, mainly in the mining and hydrocarbons extraction area. In nominal terms, public investment in mining has increased more than 46 times between 1990 and 2012, and the hydrocarbons sector has grown 381, 9% in the same period.
Social investment (which includes the health, education, housing and basic sanitation sectors) generated a change in investment due to the administrative decentralization in 1995. Housing and urban development sector receives a greater amount of investment resources, representing 32.6% of the total investment in that period, while education accounted for 30.8%, health fell to 17.9%, and basic sanitation accounted for 18.6%.

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