3.2 Guatemala Transporters

In Guatemala, the transport sector and transporters have a close relationship with the rest of the activities that make up the economy, and the problems that arise in each sector have an impact on transport activity, as well as an impact on its costs, such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing and construction, among others. A Guatemala rank 125th out of 160 in the logistics performance index and that is a clear challenge for the sector. 

For example, the issue of transporters-highways is too sensitive. According to data from the National Traffic Safety Observatory of the National Civil Police, 39 percent of accidents occur on the highway, and half of all these events occur on the western route, which proves that western routes they are dangerous, in addition, a real registry of the buses and heavy transport that circulates in the portfolios of Guatemala must be carried out, because there is an under-registration of buses that circulate without permits.  


In addition to current fuel costs increase, the cost of ground transportation is perceived as high, compared to neighbour countries in Central America.  This contributes to road insecurity since the cargo, in particularly the export inland freight (not limited to) must travel in convoy and with armed escort provided by dedicated private security companies and its additional costs.  Inefficiency in border management is also key cause of this situation 

The heavy cargo transporters are represented by different unions, depending on the type market. The main unions of cargo carriers are classified into two groups:  

a) Carriers engaged in the transport of international cargo containers (local transport or International), represented by the Association of International Carriers (ATI), and the Chamber of Central American Carriers (CATRANSCA), affiliated at the Central American level in the Federation Central American Freight Carriers (FECATRANS) and in the Transport Coordinator Central American (CTC), and, 

b) Carriers specialized by product, affiliated with specific chambers. (Guild of Specialized Fuel Carriers; Union of Cement Transporters, etc.) 

It should be noted that in addition to these unions, there is a significant number of carriers that are not affiliated with any organization, as well as private carriers operating fleets on their own. (Essentially regional cast, teams special services for fast food transportation, mail, groceries, home delivery of purchases to pantries, utilities, etc.) 

Cámara Guatemalteca de Transporte de Carga 

The CGT has been recently created on April 28 of this year 2022 with 12 companies that bring together 1,600 tractor units and generate 4,800 direct jobs and around 900 indirect jobs. Data from the Bank of Guatemala indicate that transportation and storage grew 11.2 percent in the first quarter of 2022, influenced by cargo and passenger transportation activities by land. Its main purpose is strengthening its associates through pilot training to promote innovation, dealing with issues related to the movement of goods and safety and quality of its services, channel of communication with the government and ministries, etc. The Chamber does not intend to be a division among other existing organizations.  The Chamber was born with 12 associates and 20 more in the process of integration between large and medium-sized companies, although more than 200 firms dedicated to this service operate in the formal economy.  

Coordinadora Nacional de Transporte, CNT 

The National Departmental Urban Transport Coordinator of Guatemala "CNTUDEG" is a private, non-political, non-religious, non-profit entity, with its own legal registration; Its main purpose is the promotion and comprehensive development of urban and rural carriers in the different departments of the Republic of Guatemala. The Coordinator maintains bilateral communication channels with the Vice Presidency of the Republic, with the Guatemalan Chamber of Commerce and other entities and unions. 

Sindicato Gremial de Pilotos de Transporte Pesado de Guatemala "SIGPITRANSPEGUA" 


Is a very powerful union, which gathers and represents the vast majority of truck drivers and truck owner in Guatemala. The “SIGPITRANSPEGUA” better known as “La Gremial de Transporte Pesado” has also no few controversies among its members and the union presidency* when facing the common transport issues e.g. regional transit restrictions. The Guatemala City municipality, approximately 5 years ago, prohibited the transit of heavy transport through the city in between 04:00 to 09:00 hrs. and 16:00 to 21:00 hrs. to alleviate bottlenecks and general city traffic. The Union protested this regulation. On the other side, due to the city expansion the peripheral highway is today in the middle of the city and drastic traffic regulations are needed. Another issue is the new law of vehicle accident insurance against third parties which is perceived by the union members as an extra cost. Same dynamics have been noted regarding the norm for implementing in-cabin speed limit regulators, etc.   The union is very well organized in terms of call for road blockade and strikes as act of force, looking to negotiate with the Guatemalan government. 

(*) Current President of the Union is Mr. Rony Mendoza, +502 4509 9333 · 

The General Directorate of Transport, Dirección General de Transporte 

DGT is the dependency of the Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing, in charge of the control and regulation of extra-urban passenger transport by road, exclusive special service for tourism, agriculture and industry and the registration of the equipment transport service, road freight, nationwide 

The Chamber of Central American Carriers CATRANSCA 

The Chamber of Central American Carriers, better known by its acronym CATRANSCA, is a private, non-profit entity with its own legal status, which is made up of formal road transport companies. Guatemala is an active member. 

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