Honduras - 2.1 Port Assessment


Assessed in 08/2016 by Capt. Wolf Lampe, Consultant seconded by BLG LOGISTICS, Bremen, Germany.

The principal port of Honduras is Puerto Cortes (approx. 400 vessels/a). Puerto Castilla (approx. 45 vessels/a) and San Lorenzo (approx. 40 vessels/a) have significantly less throughput. La Ceiba and Tela are cabotage ports used by small embarkations (fishing vessels, very small freighters) only. The passenger jetty of Tela was not assessed. Neither were the small cabotage and tourist ports on the Roatan and the surrounding islands. Lempira was covered due to its strategic position in the otherwise isolated area of Mosquitia Coast.

The assessment mission included the El Salvadorian port of La Union, situated a few kilometres across the border in the Gulf of Fonseca (see LCA El Salvador at logcluster.org). This port is to be considered an option to San Lorenzo if the need to bring in large quantities of relief cargo into Honduras using the Pacific coast arises.

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