Sri Lanka

Country Name

Sri Lanka

Official Country Name

The Democratic Socialistic Republic of Sri Lanka

Assessment Details


1 February 2023


31 May 2023

Name of Assessor

Hong Sheng

Title and Position

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Assistant


Table of Contents

Chapter Name of Assessors Organization Date updated 
1 Sri Lanka Country Profile Hong Sheng WFP May-23
1.1 Sri Lanka Humanitarian Background Hong Sheng WFP May-23
1.2 Sri Lanka Regulatory Departments and Quality Control Hong Sheng WFP May-23
1.2 Sri Lanka Customs Information Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2 Sri Lanka Logistics Infrastructure Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.1 Sri Lanka Port Assessment Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.1.1 Sri Lanka Port of Colombo Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.1.2 Sri Lanka Port of Hambantota Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.1.3 Sri Lanka Port of Trincomalee Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.1.4 Sri Lanka Port of Galle Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.1.5 Sri Lanka Port of  Kankesanthurai Hong Sheng WFP May-23
 2.1.6 Sri Lanka Port of Oluvil Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.2 Sri Lanka Aviation Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.2.1 Sri Lanka Bandaranaike International Airport Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.2.2 Sri Lanka Mattala Rajapaksha International Airport Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.2.3 Sri Lanka Colombo International Airport, Rathmalana  Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.2.4 Sri Lanka Batticaloa Interational Airport Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.2.5 Sri Lanka Jaffna International Airport Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.2.6 Sri Lanka Anuradhapura National Airport Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.2.7 Sri Lanka China Bay National Airport Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.2.8 Sri Lanka Ampara National Airport Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.2.9 Sri Lanka Koggala National Airport Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.3 Sri Lanka Road Network Assessment Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.4 Sri Lanka Railway Assessment Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.5 Sri Lanka Waterways Assessment Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.6 Sri Lanka Storage Assessment Hong Sheng WFP May-23
2.7 Sri Lanka Milling Assessment Hong Sheng WFP May-23
3 Sri Lanka Services and Supply Hong Sheng WFP May-23
3.1 Sri Lanka Fuel Hong Sheng WFP May-23
3.2 Sri Lanka Transporters Hong Sheng WFP May-23
3.3 Sri Lanka Manual Labour Hong Sheng WFP May-23
3.4 Sri Lanka Telecommunications Hong Sheng WFP May-23
3.5 Sri Lanka Food and Additional Suppliers Hong Sheng WFP May-23
3.5.1 Sri Lanka Food Suppliers Hong Sheng WFP May-23
3.5.2 Sri Lanka Additional Suppliers Hong Sheng WFP May-23
3.6 Sri Lanka Additional Service Providers Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4 Sri Lanka Contact Lists Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.1 Sri Lanka Government Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.2 Sri Lanka Humanitarian Agency Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.3 Sri Lanka Laboratory and Quality Testing Companies Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.4 Sri Lanka Port and Waterways Company Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.5 Sri Lanka Airport Companies Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.6 Sri Lanka Storage and Milling Companies Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.7 Sri Lanka Fuel Providers Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.8 Sri Lanka Transporter Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.9 Sri Lanka Railway Companies Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.10 Sri Lanka Supplier Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
4.11 Sri Lanka Additional Service Provision Contact List Hong Sheng WFP May-23
5 Sri Lanka Annexes Hong Sheng WFP May-23
5.1 Sri Lanka Acronyms and Abbreviations Hong Sheng WFP May-23
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