Cook Islands
2.2 Cook Islands Aviation


Key airport information may also be found at:

The official source for all aeronautical information including airports and air navigation services is the Cook Islands Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). The AIP can be downloaded free of charge from and


The Cook Islands are served my several international carriers using Rarotonga International Airport with daily international flights from New Zealand, twice weekly from Tahiti and weekly non-stop flights from Los Angeles and Sydney. Aitutaki Island handles on average five domestic flight arrivals from Rarotonga daily, the outer islands are served by domestic flights less regularly and for the less populated and more distant islands, service is by charter.

The Cook Islands Airport Authority (CIAA) is responsible for management of Rarotonga International and Aitutaki Airports. It is a state-owned but independently operated enterprise responsible for:

• Management – Lead the managing and direction of the Airport Authority.

• Air Traffic Services  

• Administration and Finance 

• Commercial Operations and Quality Assurance Services  

• Airport Security Services  

• Rescue Fire Services

• Maintenance  

• Terminal Services  

CIAA have some oversight of the Outer Islands airports however these airports are non-certified aerodromes with crushed coral runways, run by their respective Island Council’s who manage the state of the runway and daily administration.


Rarotonga International Airport provides efficient service satisfying current demand and has ongoing upgrade plans that includes improvement to passenger and cargo terminals. This development is supported by growing tourist numbers.

Ground handling services are provided by Air New Zealand.

The potential for significantly growing national capacity within the island group is constrained by large distances and small populations.   

Cook Islands Airports




Airport name

Aitutaki (Araura)



Aitutaki Airport(Araura Airport)

Atiu (Enua Manu)



Enua Airport

Mangaia (Auau Enua)



Mangaia Airport

Manihiki (Humphrey Island)



Manihiki Island Airport

Mauke (Akatoka Manava)



Mauke Airport

Mitiaro (Nukuroa)



Mitiaro Airport(Nukuroa Airport)

Penrhyn Island(Tongareva)



Tongareva Airport




Pukapuka Island Airfield

Rarotonga (Avarua)



Rarotonga International Airport

For more information on government agency and airport company contact information, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.5 Airport Companies Contact List

Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft

International flights into, from or over Cook Islands territory shall be subject to the current Cook Islands regulations relating to civil aviation. These regulations correspond in all essentials to the Standards and Recommended Practices contained in Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

Aircraft flying into or departing from Cook Islands territory shall make their first landing at, or final departure from Rarotonga International Airport.


The Cook Islands’ Civil Aviation Act 2002, Section 25 details the legislative requirements for aircraft to be registered in the Cook Islands.  Foreign registered aircraft are able to operate in the Cook Islands in accordance with the notification and requests for approval requirements as published in the Cook Islands AIP, sections GEN 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.

Application to register an aircraft is made to the Director of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transport on form MOT24047/01.  Forms can be download from

Cook Islands Civil Aviation Rules (CICAR) Part 47 “Aircraft Registration and Markings’ contains the detailed requirements for registering an aircraft onto the Cook Islands Civil Aircraft Register. 

Before a Cook Islands registered aircraft can be flown it must also be issued an Airworthiness Certificate.  CICAR Part 21 contains the detailed requirements for obtaining Airworthiness

The CICAR can be downloaded from


For more information on procedures for foreign registered aircraft, please see the following attachments:

Annex 5.6 Part 2 Entry into the civil aviation system, (25) Requirement to register aircraft

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