2.2 Bolivia Aviation

Bolivia Aviation 

Bolivia Airports

Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil DGAC, is the Civil Aviation Authority in Bolivia, dependent of the Vice Ministry of Communications and Civil Aeronautics, responsible for the control, regulation of the civil aeronautical activities and the aero-commercial exploitation.

The agency responsible for the administration of public aerodromes of support services, air navigation protection and control of the airspace over national territory, is the Administradora de Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares de la Navegación Aérea AASANA (Administrator of Airports and Auxiliary Services of Air Navigation), being in control of the total or partial concession of controlled airports, and of public use.

For information on Bolivia aviation Contact details, please see the following link: 

4.5 Bolivia Airport Company Contact List

GLCSC LCA BOLIVIA Ground Companies CBBA 140930

GLCSC LCA BOLIVIA Ground Companies LPZ 140930

GLCSC LCA BOLIVIA Ground Companies SCZ 140930

Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft

Send a Request to the Executive Director of DGAC, mentioning the following information

  • Name or trade name of the operator
  • Commercial Address, Telephone and Fax of the Operator
  • Type and Registration of the aircraft
  • PBMD (MTOW) of the Aircraft
  • Pilot (crew)
  • Date of Entry
  • Airport Entrance to Bolivia
  • Exit Airport from Bolivia
  • Last Landing Airport before entering Bolivia
  • Flight Purpose
  • Number of Passengers
  • Type and load weight (if applicable)
  • Date of Exit of Bolivia

With the authorization response, go to the offices of the Civil Aeronautic General Direction to proceed with the registration. After the arrival of the aircraft at the airport of entry, the DGAC personnel shall proceed to the corresponding inspection and verification of the documentation

The documentation to be submitted is as follows:

  • Certificate of registration of the aircraft
  • Certificate of existing airworthiness of the aircraft
  • Insurance Policy of the Aircraft in effect, including geographic boundaries and the registration of the aircraft
  • License and medical validity of the crew

If entry operations take place in "EL ALTO" airport of the city of La Paz, the Appendix on Operation in High Altitude shall be attached. (contained in the AFM of the aircraft)

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