El Salvador
El Salvador - 3.5 Food and Additional Suppliers

The agricultural sector and food sovereignty are among the priorities of President Nayib Bukele, as he has demonstrated since the beginning of his administration. 

The agricultural and food sectors in El Salvador could face a difficult year in 2023. For the agricultural cycle 2023-2024, a reactivation of AGRO is expected, a cereal production in this year will be  around 20 million quintals.  

It is expected corn harvest in average of 15 million quintals, in the first planting from May to June 75% out of total is expected. According to the MAG, prepares 49,000 small producers in the department of Usulután for the planting of basic grains by delivering. Agricultural Packages of certified corn seed. 

For the second sowing that will take place from August to September will be 20% out of total, mainly in the East around 3 million   quintals and in the third sowing from November to December 5% is expecting an average of 746 thousand quintals. In the case of sorghum is expected 2 million quintals and rice 712 thousand quintals. 

A study by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) on family farming and agri-food supply warns of the negative effects of measures taken in the face of the pandemic. The survey explored what has had an impact on family farming production and food supply and found that some of the difficulties have been due to health protection protocols (53%), food transportation and distribution (50 %), access to financial capital (49%) and lack of storage capacity (43%), among others. 

According to the Latin American and Caribbean Coordinator of Small Producers and Fair-Trade Workers (CLAC), the pandemic has caused an increase in the costs of sanitary supplies necessary for production, packaging and export. Producers are suffering a double economic impact from phenomena associated with climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. Countries that are exposed to climate change and COVID-19 have at least a 20% drop in their production level. 

By June of 2023, El Salvador exported in general a total of US$1,754.23 million, it has decreased  6.29% compared to June 2022, where the exports were US$1,871.99 million. 

About the imports, by June of 2023 the total was US$3,900.68 million, it has decreased 14.43% compared to June 2022, where the imports were US$4,558.74. 


The table below shows the balance between import and exports as of June 2023. 


Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador - (bcr.gob.sv) 

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For a general overview of country data related to the service and supply sectors, please consult the following sources: 

The Observatory of Economic Complexity – MIT (OEC): OEC El Salvador country page 



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