3.3 Belize Manual Labour


Unemployment rates in Belize are lower than in other countries in the region, this is also due to the country's small population. It is possible to obtain work force to carry out projects in the country, in addition, organisations can hire personnel with temporary contracts,

There are seven major trade unions in Belize organized under a federation, the National Trade Union Congress of Belize (NTUCB). Membership is estimated at around 5,500, representing less than 4 percent of the labour force and around 6 percent of all government and private sector employees. Union membership is concentrated in the public sector. The two largest unions are the Belize National Teachers Union and the Public Service Union, each one with 1,600-1,800 members.

There is limited union representation in the private sector. The tourism sector, including hotels and restaurants, is not unionized nor are any of the call centers, a growing segment of the service sector.

Trade unions are more prevalent in the public sector and their impact on the labour market is more likely to be indirect than direct. Public sector unions via wage and other compensation demands influence fiscal outcomes.  These in turn can influence government borrowing and interest rates, and hence, private sector development and labour demand. 

The numbers in the table below display the labor rates for workers in US-Dollar per day (Source: UNDP).

Labour Rate(s) Overview



Rate as of 2016

Daily General Worker (Unskilled casual labour)

25 USD


Daily General Worker (Semi-skilled labour)

35 USD


Skilled Worker

50 USD


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