El Salvador
El Salvador - 3.1 Fuel

Fuel Overview 

The Directorate of Hydrocarbons and Mines is empowered to regulate and monitor the import and export, deposit, transport, distribution and marketing of oil products, as well as the construction and operation of deposits and tanks for consumption private, and other related activities such as: verification of the quantity and quality of fuels, monitoring of the maximum price of LPG and compliance with industrial safety measures in the facilities that store and sell oil products. 

Additionally, the law regulating the deposit, transportation and distribution of oil products empowers the Directorate to calculate and publish the reference prices for fuels; as well as the maximum price of Liquefied Petroleum Gas for domestic consumption.  

Imports of oil and derivatives from the United States displace Venezuela and Ecuador, after the consolidation of the United States market as the main supplier of hydrocarbons in El Salvador (data from the Central Reserve Bank (BCR). The oil bill reached USD1,493.7 million at the end of 2019, equivalent to 9.7% less compared to the USD1,654.24 million in 2018. This means that Salvadorans paid USD160.5 million less for the hydrocarbons consumed throughout the past year.  

BCR statistics reveal that Venezuela remained, in the last two decades, as one of the country's main suppliers, gained momentum between 2011 and 2014, but imports began to fall in 2016. The BCR data indicate that the oil bill until April 2023 in gasoline imports reached USD281.78 million and reflected an increase of 41.5% compared to 2022. Diesel reached USD251.22 million, an increase of 77% compared to 2022. 

The imported oil products are traded by a total of 491 fuel stations as of to date, which includes: ALBA Petroleum (1 station), White Flag (106 stations), DLC (26 stations), PUMA (116 stations), Texaco (129 stations) and UNO (113).  


The following tables show an annual (in USD) consumption in Gallons as of April 2023, by sector/company and by product/company. 


Fuente: https://www.edrhym.gob.sv/drhm/estadisticas.aspx?uid=1  

For more information on government and fuel provider contact details, please see the following links:  4.1 Government Contact List and 4.7 Fuel Providers Contact List

Information may also be found at: http://www.mytravelcost.com/petrol-prices/ which is updated monthly.  

Fuel Pricing 

Fuel prices, as mentioned above, is regulated by the Directorate of Hydrocarbons and Mines every fifteen days. All fuel reference prices announced by The Directorate of Hydrocarbons and Mines already include the Special Fuel Tax (IEC), as well as the FEFE taxes (war tax) from which the pension payment for war veterans comes from, the FOVIAL for road maintenance and VAT.  Prices are always affected by the international prices. 

Fuel Prices per Litre as of: Period January 01 – June 12 2023 

(local currency and USD - $) 

Petrol - Gasoline 

$4.37 Gallon 


$3.64 Gallon 




Jet A-1 




Seasonal Variations  

The country does not have seasonal variations. Variations are due to international fuel prices changes. 

Seasonal Variations 

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel? (i.e. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military?) 


Is there a rationing system? 


Is fuel to lower income / vulnerable groups subsidized? 


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? 


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to directly contract a reputable supplier / distributor to provide its fuel needs? 


Fuel Transportation 

In March 2022, the government approved a subsidy for the consumption of fuel derived from COVID. In the second half of 2022, this subsidy was eliminated and fuel prices increased to the market price. 

The General Directorate of Energy, Hydrocarbons and Mines (DGEHM) reports that the fuel for the year 2023 will experience variations influenced by the following International factors: 

  • Drop in U.S. oil reserves reported by the Agency International Energy (IEA), generating mixed trend in prices international hydrocarbons. 

  • The passage of Hurricane Idalia, generating tension in the prices of the derivatives of the oil, due to threats of stoppages in oil production in its Gulf of Mexico platforms. 

  • Saudi Arabia and Russia propose to prolong their oil production cut to maintain international. 


Standards, Quality and Testing 

The Directorate of Hydrocarbons and Mines is the office making sure standard, quality and testing is followed up, through the certified laboratories.  


Industry Control Measures 

Do tanks have adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel? 

Yes – The Ministry of Economy is the one in charge to regulate and control this topic 

Are there filters in the system which monitor where fuel is loaded into aircraft? 


Is there adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks? 


Is there a presence of suitable firefighting equipment? 



Standards Authority 

Is there a national or regional standards authority? 


If yes, please identify the appropriate national and/or regional authority. 

Ministry of Economy (Regulation Regualtion “Decreto No. 46”  

National: Salvadorean Certification Organization (OSA) – www.osa.gob.sv  


If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? 

Yes / Norma de referencia NTS ISO/IEC 17025 

Norma de referencia NTS ISO/IEC 17065:12 


Testing Laboratories 

Are there national testing laboratories? 

No, but private, certified by OSA 



Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory 


Laboratorio de Control de Calidad de ORAZUL Energy El Salvador 


Orazul Energy 


Zona Industrial Acajutla, Sonsonate El Salvador 

Telephone and Fax 

00503 2500 7302 


Carlos Polanco / Harold Diaz 

Standards Used 

normativa internacional 17025:2005 


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider. 



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