2.6 Cameroon Storage Assessment

Storage facilities are available throughout the country, especially in main urban centres, including all port cities. In smaller towns, it could be difficult to find suitable warehouses. In case of larger humanitarian operations the erection of mobile warehouses (wiikhalls) will be necessary in remote localities.

Storage Used by Humanitarian Organisations

WFP has rented two concrete warehouses in the locality of Meganga and Maroua. In Kousseri, Beka and Ngam the warehouses are provided without charge by the government by the Office Cerealier. Please see the following attachment for details of WFP warehouses in Cameroon.

Commercial Storage 

Commercial storage is available in all main locations throughout the country. Douala, Ebolowa, Bafoussam, Yaoundé, Bertua, N’Gaoundere, Garoua and Maroua are the current main hubs for commercial and humanitarian goods.

For more information on storage company contact details, please see the following link: 4.6 Cameroon Storage and Milling Companies Contact List

Warehouse provision in South-West and North-West

Access in NW and SW remains challenging due to insecurity. The assessment did however identify warehouse service-providers, further details can be found in the following attachment: Cameroon - Northwest-Southwest Warehouse Information

Stores in St Francis College - Kumba

Storage building                                                   Storage room

Cocoa Warehouse - Kumba

  Outdoor area                                                  Storage room

Hims College Institute - Buea

Outdoor parking area                               Storage hall

Moliko road shop storage space - Buea

Proposed storage space                     Entrances

Mermoz Banquet Hall - Buea

Entrance                                                           Storage space

Sudahser Centre Bolt - Bamenda

Storage hall                                      Front view

North-West Cooperative Association Ltd - Bamenda

Entrance                                                          Storage space


Entrance                                                           Storage space

Private owner - Bamenda

Entrance                                                           Storage space

J&S Business Venture - Bamenda

Entrance                                                  Storage space

South-West and North-West do not have similar constraints:

Buea is located 70 km from Douala, reachable in 1h30 min by car (2h15 for a truck), Bamenda is at 315 km and take 6h15 driving from Douala (9h15 with a truck).

Since Buea town is close to Douala and does not have a proper warehouse infrastructure in place, most warehouses in Buea do not exceed 300m2. Bamenda used to have several production plants (mostly now closed) or unions such as NWCA (grouping coffee producers) and so premises of 1,800 m2 could be available to rent immediately. It is possible that large storage options to cover SW if required could be found in Limbe (located 35km south of Buea) or Kumba (75km north of Buea).

Public Sector Storage

There are many warehouses owned by the Cereal Board (Office Céréalier) throughout the northern regions of the country. The total storage capacity is over 47,000 mt. The Cereal Board has granted WFP the right to use some of these warehouses free of charge - a full list is available in this attachment. NGOs or other humanitarian actors are not currently allowed to use these warehouses as the Cereals’ Board warehouses are only used to store food.

Cold Chain

In case a cold chain is needed, it is advisable to contact regional Health Authorities who transport and store vaccines and medical drugs to remote and inaccessible areas.

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