1.2 Panama Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

Binding regulatory authorities relavant to humanitarian logistics

  • Civil Aviation Authority: An entity of the State assigned to carry out the general process of supervision in civil aviation matters. It processes overflight and landing permits of aircrafts involved in humanitarian assistance.
  • National Customs Authority: It establishes the control for the entry, transit and departure of goods.

The National Customs Authority does not have a department for regulating goods, a prior control takes place upon presentation of the Customs Declaration.  The control over types of goods is carried out by each relevant body or institution as required by law.  All shipments entering into the national territory must comply with the inspection processes in accordance to the activity, type of goods and transportation mode.

  • General Directorate of Immigration and Naturalization: Ensures that all personnel from international missions and international rescue groups abide and comply with the migratory requirements established by law.
  • Ministry of Agricultural Development (Executive Directorate of Quarantine – DECA, for its initials in Spanish): Ensures that of all quarantine related goods entering the country meets the necessary requirements. Documents crucial for the introduction of phytosanitary and zoosanitary goods consist of the following: cargo manifest; phytosanitary or zoosanitary certificate of origin; and the import license. In the case of search and rescue caninesfor humanitarian  purposes, in addition to the corresponding documentation, a certification must be submitted by the humanitarian entity, indicating the reason of entry.

DECA is responsible for implementing the provisions of the National Directorate of Animal and Plant Health, on matters of external and internal quarantine, and of the internal control for the mobilization of animals and plants, in order to protect the phytosanitary state of the national agricultural patrimony.  In addition, to ensure the adequate application and implementation of phytosanitary and sanitary provisions in force.  

The Executive Directorate of Agricultural Quarantine is created by Law No. 23 of 15 July 1997, under the direct arrangement of the Directorate General of the Ministry of Agricultural Development.  

  • Panamanian Food Safety Authority (AUPSA): Ensures compliance and implementation of food safety laws and regulations as to the introduction of food to the national territory, under strict scientific or technical guidelines.  
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Manages the international humanitarian aid and assistance in disaster-stricken cases.
    • Directorate General for International Agencies and Conferences: It is responsible of guiding and coordinating the participation of Panama at conferences, forums and international agencies. In addition to coordinating with Ministries activities with the agencies and developing the position of the State on the multilateral agenda. It also collaborates and promotes the presence of international organizations through the United Nations Regional Inter-agency Center for Latin America and the Caribbean in Panama, and others.
    • Directorate General for Protocol and Ceremonials of the State: Liaison between the diplomatic missions and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  It has within its structure the Department of Privileges and Diplomatic Immunity, responsible for the issuance of humanitarian tax exemption. 
  • Ministry of Health (Directorate of Pharmacy and Drug): Ensures that the introduction of medicines, medical material & and equipment, comply with the requirements of the respective laws.

The main functions of the Directorate National of Pharmacy and Drug in the regulation of medicines and vaccines in Panama are:

  1. Supervise that medications and vaccines meet the quality standards and/or legal technical requirements set forth in current national and international health standards and regulations.
  2. Ensure a lot-by-lot traceability system of Vaccines entering the country.
  3. Ensure the population that Medicines and Vaccines are safe and effective, undertaking quality controls on products and vaccines in accordance to current health provisions.
  4. Establish permanent monitoring and control in the establishments and places of manufacturing and dispensing of Medicines in the Republic of Panama.
  5. Establish permanent monitoring and control of pharmaceutical establishments where Medicines and Vaccines are distributed in the Republic of Panama.
  • National Civil Protection System (SINAPROC): National governing body empowered to tend and respond to emergencies caused by adverse events. For more information, see: Country Response Capacity (Government). 

Quality control laboratories for medicines, vaccines and pharmaceuticals

  • Specialized Institute of Analysis of the University of Panama: Quality control laboratory that performs physiochemical and microbiological testing of pharmaceutical products. Among the pharmaceutical forms analyzed are found tablets, capsules, oral solutions, intravenous solutions, gels, ointments, emulsions, aerosols, injectables, creams, lyophilize. Reference Laboratory in accordance to Law 1, 2001.

To obtain further information about regulatory agencies, consult the following links:

4.1 Government Contact List

4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List.


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