1 Bhutan Country Profile

Bhutan Country Map

Generic Information

Bhutan, officially the Kingdom of Bhutan, is a landlocked country in Asia, and it is the smallest state located entirely within the Himalaya mountain range. Located in the Eastern Himalayas, it is bordered by China (to the north) and India (to the south). Bhutan lacks a border with nearby Nepal due to the Indian state of Sikkim and with Bangladesh due to the Indian states of West Bengal and Assam. Bhutan is geopolitically in South Asia and is the region's second least populous nation after the Maldives. Thimphu is its capital and largest city, while Phuntsholing is its business and financial centre.

Humanitarian Information 

Bhutan World Food Programme Information:

Facts and Figures

Bhutan             Wolfram Alpha Information

Bhutan             World Bank Information

Bhutan             World Population Review

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