Bhutan - 4.12 Waste Management Companies Contact List
Name of Company Physical Address Focal Person Telephone Number Email Address Website Does the company have an Environmental, Health and Safety certification (e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 45001 or equivalent) or self-certified management plan for facilities and personnel? (List all available) Business License Validity Dates  Years of experience Company main business Facility is well maintained (roof/walls)? (Y/N) Hazardous materials are processed and stored separately from non-hazardous waste? (Y/N) Facility has adequate ventilation? (Y/N) PPE provided to staff (hard hats, overalls, boots, etc.)? (Y/N) Processing capacity (e.g. max tonnes/day or month)* Collection provided (Y/N) Any transport capacity constraints (geographical, volumes, frequency)? Non hazardous waste accepted Select from dropdown menu Non hazardous waste Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Hazardous Waste Accepted           Select from dropdown menu Hazardous waste disposal Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Admin Waste Accepted    Select from dropdown menu Admin Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Comments
Greener Way Greener Way, Behind Barp Lhakhang - Babesa Road Thimpu Mr. Ugyen (Director for Operations & Management)
Research Officer: Miss Diksha Adhikari
CEO/Founder: Mr. Karma Yonten 
+975 2 337464                       Plastic PT physical recycling         Greener Way is also in the process of developing a blueprint for the country's first integrated waste management facility and will be submitted to concerned agencies for necessary approvals and support. 
Greener Way Greener Way, Behind Barp Lhakhang - Babesa Road Thimpu Mr. Ugyen (Director for Operations & Management)
Research Officer: Miss Diksha Adhikari
CEO/Founder: Mr. Karma Yonten 
+975 2 337464                       Organic waste landfill          
Greener Way Greener Way, Behind Barp Lhakhang - Babesa Road Thimpu Mr. Ugyen (Director for Operations & Management)
Research Officer: Miss Diksha Adhikari
CEO/Founder: Mr. Karma Yonten 
+975 2 337464                       Packaging (paper) physical recycling         Going to recycling if dry, otherwise to landfill.
Greener Way Greener Way, Behind Barp Lhakhang - Babesa Road Thimpu Mr. Ugyen (Director for Operations & Management)
Research Officer: Miss Diksha Adhikari
CEO/Founder: Mr. Karma Yonten 
+975 2 337464                       Packaging (HDPE Plastics)  physical recycling          
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