3.3 Tunisia Manual Labor


In Tunisia, these are all people whose profile corresponds to the definition of economically active population formulated by the International Labor Organization (ILO). This definition includes people who are at work and the unemployed. Calculation methods may vary by country, particularly in the case of armed forces or seasonal and part-time employees. However, generally speaking, the total workforce includes the armed forces, the unemployed and those looking for a first job. With 62% increase in 29 years, for the entire period 1990-2019, there is an annual average of 3,426,992.13. The change recorded between the first and the last year is 62%. The highest value was recorded in 2019 (4,087,509) and the lowest value was recorded in 1990 (2,521,819). We have results for 30 years.

Based on the available data, it is estimated that in 2025 the value should oscillate around 4 223 064. This forecast presents a very high level of reliability since the available values ​​have a linear structure (correlation coefficient = 0.99 and coefficient of determination = 0.98).

In 1990, compared to the available world data, the relative share of this country was 0.11%. In 2019, this same share is 0.12%. To see a little more clearly, also compare with other countries in the region: Libya, Morocco, Mauritania.

The General Union of Tunisian Workers or is the main UGTT trade union center from Tunisia with 750 000 members. Founded on 20 January 1946 by Farhat Hached, has its headquarters in Tunis . Located mainly in the public sector, it includes 24 regional unions, 19 industry organizations and unions 21 base 1 . Some, however, criticize him centralization of power, a low representation of women, the private sector and some regions such as the Sahel .The UGTT is affiliated to the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions and, in November 2006 , the International Trade Union Confederation .The union has its own newspaper (Echaâb), its travel agency , a cooperative active in the field of fisheries and mutual, and also rents Amilcar Hotel in Carthage.


Labour Rate(s) Overview



(Local Currency & US$)

Rate as of Year 2019/2020

Daily General Worker (Unskilled casual labour)

40 to  70 TND / Day

25 to 45 USD/ Day /1200 to 2100 TND

Daily General Worker (Semi-skilled labour)

35 to  40 TND / Day

22 to 25 USD / Day/1050 to 1200 TND

Skilled Worker

75 to 100 TND / Day

48 to 64 USD / Day/2250 to 3000 TND

Unemployment (% of female labor force) in Tunisia : According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), unemployment is the situation of the workforce available for work who is looking for a job but fails to find it. The definition of unemployment and of the labor force available for work, however, varies by country. It is not easy to estimate the number of unemployed women for a variety of reasons, not least because of the discrimination which, in some quarters, prevents them from actively seeking work.

39% increase in 28 years, for the entire period 1991-2019, there is an annual average of 18.84. The change recorded between the first and the last year is 39%. The highest value was recorded in 2011 (27.42) and the lowest value was recorded in 2006 (15.15). We have results for 29 years.

Based on the available data, it is estimated that in 2025 the value should hover around 25.61. This forecast has a relatively high level of reliability since the available values have a rather linear structure, despite notable variations (correlation coefficient = 0.7 and coefficient of determination = 0.49).

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