3.1 Bolivia Fuel

Bolivia Fuel

The National Agency of Hydrocarbons (ANH) was born in replacement of the Superintendence of Hydrocarbons, with renewed responsibilities and under the existing constitutional framework. Its task is to regulate, control, supervise and monitor, according to national policies, the activities of the hydrocarbon chain developed within our extensive national geography

Strategic Objective 1: "Ensure the continuity of supply, quality of hydrocarbon products and services, and safeguard the interests of the State with regard to the exploration, production, transportation, commercialization and industrialization of hydrocarbons, through a timely and effective regulation, supervision, control and audit."

Strategic Objective 2: "Implement technological agile and timely tools to optimize technical and administrative procedures that facilitate a transparent management for results".

The fuel is provided through private distributors. Service stations for liquid fuels in the Bolivian territory are establishments intended for the storage of liquid fuels (special gasoline and Diesel Oil) for use in motor vehicles, aviation gasoline and Jet Fuel at airports.

GLCSC LCA BOLIVIA Estaciones de Servicio 140930

GLCSC LCA BOLIVIA Mapa Ubicacion EESS 140930

According to the Supreme Decree No. 28511 (16/12/ 05), the sale of fuel in drums and turriles is authorized in volumes of 120 to 20,000 liters to individual persons, in service stations that require this product for their own consumption.

The request must be registered to the General Direction of Controlled Substances DGSC, with a duration of 120 days. The request for the DGSC ( ) is submitted by filling the "Local fuel purchase" form and the "Road Map", provided by this Directorate. 

GLCSC LCA BOLIVIA Compra local y Hoja de Ruta Combustible

For Bolivia fuel contact details, please see the following link: 

4.7 Bolivia Fuel Provider Contact List

Fuel Pricing

Fuel Prices as of: September 2014 (local currency and US$)

Petrol (per litre)

 3.74 Bs

0.56 usd

Diesel (per litre)

 3.72 Bs

0.55 usd

Premium Gasoline (litro)

4.79 Bs


Paraffin (per litre)

 2.72 Bs

0.41 usd

Jet A1 (per litre national)

 2.77 Bs

0.42 usd

Jet A1 (per litre international)

7.62 Bs

1.14 usd

Seasonal Variations 

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel, e.g. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military? (Yes / No)


Is there a rationing system? (Yes / No)


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized? (Yes / No)


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? (Yes / No)


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs? (Yes / No)


Fuel Transportation

Yacimientos Petrolíferos Bolivianos YPFB Transporte S.A. operates the pipeline network of approximately 6,000 km for the transport of natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons.

The system of gas and oil pipelines crosses through 7 departments, more than 90 municipalities and approximately 670 communities, also reaching the markets of Brazil, Argentina and Chile.

Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel

(Yes / No)


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft

(Yes / No)


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks

(Yes / No)


Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment

(Yes / No)


Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority? (Yes / No)



If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? (Yes / No)


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories? (Yes / No)


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory






 Av. Tres Poniente Nº 800 Maipú Santiago

Telephone and Fax

T 562 2 5356090

F 562 2 5350258


 Alejandro Gómez de la Torre

Standards Used  API  -  ASTMA

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