2.3 Senegal Road Assessment

Senegal Road Network

 Senegal Roads

About 90% of movements of people and goods in Senegal are made via roads. The roads network is estimated at about 14,500 km, of which 4,500 km are paved. In fact, it is now possible from Dakar to reach any of the other ten Senegalese main regional cities by  paved road. The Government of Senegal has launched an ambitious programme aimed at rehabilitating certain roads and building new ones. However, as in many other African countries, road maintenance is a recurrent problem.

For Senegal government contacts, please see the following link: 4.1 Senegal Government Contact List

Distance Matrix

  Dakar Thies Kaolack Tambacounda Kedougou Kolda Veligara Ziguinchor St-Louis Matam Diourbel
Dakar 0 70 189 462 695 461 565 451 266 525 146
Thies 70 0 140 413 646 412 516 402 196 455 76
Kaolack 189 140 0 273 506 272 376 251 271 443 64
Tambacounda 462 413 273 0 233 226 103 414 544 384 337
Kedougou 695 646 506 233 0 459 336 647 777 617 570
Kolda 461 412 272 226 459 0 123 188 543 610 336
Velingara 565 516 376 103 336 123 0 311 712 487 440
Ziguinchor 451 402 251 414 647 188 311 0 533 798 326
St-Louis 266 196 271 544 777 543 712 533 0 412 207
Matam 525 455 443 384 617 610 487 798 412 0 379
Diourbel 146 76 64 337 570 336 440 326 207 379 0

Travel Time Matrix



Thies Kaolack Tambacounda Kedougou Kolda Velingara Ziguinchor St-Louis Matam Diourbel
Dakar 0 1h45 4h 7h30 10h30 13h00 10h00 16h45 3h40 9h20 3h00
Thies 1h45 0 2h15 5h30 8h30 11h45 9h00 14h45 2h00 7h45 1h15
Kaolack 4h00 2h15 0 4h00 6h45 9h15 6h15 12h10 4h30 6h00 1h30
Tambacounda 7h30 5h30 4h00 0 3h15 5h30 2h30 9h15 8h00 7h00 4h45
Kedougou 10h30 8h30 6h45 3h15 0 7h30 4h30 11h15 11h00 7h00 7h30
Kolda 13h00 11h45 9h30 5h30 7h30 0 3h00 3h45 11h00 6h30



Velingara 10h00 9h00 6h15 2h30 4h30 3h00 0 6h45 9h15 4h00 6h00
Ziguinchor 16h45 14h45 12h10 9h15 9h45 3h45 6h45 0 9h45 9h00 6h00
St-Louis 3h40 2h00 4h30 8h00 11h00 11h00 9h15 9h45 0 5h30 3h45
Matam 9h20 7h45 6h00 7h00 7h00 6h30 4h00 9h00 5h30 0 7h30
Diourbel 3h00 1h15 1h30 4h45 7h30 7h30 6h00 6h00 3h45 7h30 0

Road Security

Security Level: Good

No security problems in general but for the Cassamance region. There, some road segments are not authorised for usage by UN staff due to the presence of active rebel groups. So in Cassamance, it is better to avoid segment of road N5 from Séléti to Bignona and N4 from Ziguinchor to Sao Domingos in Guinee Bissau. See UNDSS for more information if you plan to travel in the region. Drivers tend to exceed speed limits, follow other vehicles closely, ignore lane markings, and attempt to pass even when facing oncoming traffic.

Some roads have sidewalks or sufficient space for pedestrian traffic, others do not, and pedestrians are forced to walk in or along the roadway. Due to limited street lighting, pedestrians are difficult to see at night. Drivers in both rural and urban areas may frequently expect to encounter and share the road with motorcycles, bicyclists, pedestrians, livestock and animal carts. Caution and defensive driving techniques are strongly recommended. During the rainy season, many roads, mostly regional roads, departmental roads and tracks are passable only with four-wheel drive vehicles and so places are just not accessible at all.

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

As the majority of heavy vehicle traffic in Senegal has its origin and destination in Dakar, and more specifically the Port of Dakar, an effective way to control overloading would be to weigh all heavy vehicles leaving and entering the Port of Dakar. It was therefore recommended that negotiations be entered into with the Port Authority to establish weighbridges at the main entrances to the port.

These weighbridges would be used for overload law enforcement and should comply with all the requirements in terms of facilities, equipment, type of scale, computer equipment, software, and holding facilities. The existing weighbridge at one of the port entrances, which is currently used for commercial purposes, could be upgraded to a multi-deck scale and be used for law enforcement in addition to its current function. However, the logistics of the weighing activities would have to be analysed to ensure that undue delays are not caused.

There is an ongoing project of the State to build 6 fixed weighbridges stations in the country, Diamniodio, Tanabcounda, Thies, Kidira and Rosso. The works has to be done by 2014.  For now there is 3 mobile weighbridges installed around the country, one at Dakar Port, one in Tambacounda and one in Diamniodio. Senegal Government revised the axle load limit in line with the ECOWAS specifications but there are not enough weighbridges in the country, hence vehicles still exceed allowable limits. The maximum axle load restriction applicable in the ECOWAS Region is 11.5 tons. Sanctions are applicable by the regulation 14-2005/UEMOA , in case of transgression of the authorized limits. But so far, the government doesn't have the means to control all the traffic.

Axle load limits

LCA Country

Truck with 2 axles

(6 + 12 Tons) 18 Tons

Truck with 3 axles

( 6+ 20T) 26 Tons

Truck with 4 axles

(6+25T) 31 Tons

Semi-trailer with 3 axles

(6+12+12T) 30 Tons

Semi-trailer with 4 axles

(6+12+20 or 6+20+12T) 38 Tons

Semi-trailer with 5 axles

(6+12+25T) 43 Tons

Semi-trailer with 6 axles

(6+20+25)  51 Tons

Truck & drawbar trailer with 4 axles

38 tons

Truck & drawbar trailer with 5 axles


Truck & drawbar trailer with 6 axles


Truck & drawbar trailer with 7 axles


Road Class and Surface Conditions

Road Classification

For additional information on Senegal road class, surface conditions, bridges and networks, please see attached document: Senegal Road Network Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached document, which has been taken from the old LCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.


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