Papua New Guinea
1.2 Papua New Guinea National Regulatory Departments

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) of Papua New Guinea

The recent reorganization of the Civil Aviation Authority, previously responsible for all aspects of national airports, places NAC in charge of on-ground airports operations and maintenance, while PNG Air Services Limited (PNGASL) is in control of communications and navigation. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) regulates air safety. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) of Papua New Guinea is the government statutory authority responsible for the regulation of civil aviation and air safety. Registration of international airplanes, facilitation of emergency operations falls within CASA’s mandate.

National Information and Communications Technology Authoirty (NICTA)

The National Information and Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) is the converged regulator established by an Act of Parliament, the National Information and Communications Technology Act 2009 (NICT Act). The functions of NICTA include the issuance of all Telecommunications licences (Operator and Radio communications) as well as ensuring that provision of ICT services conform to National and International standards. The NICT Act allows for converged regulatory authority to address economic and consumer issues which were previously dealt by ICCC. The NICTA Act further created a secretariat called the Universal Access and Fund Secretariat (UAF Secretariat) within NICTA to manage donor, government and industry levies used to rollout ICT projects to rural areas and communities around the country.

National Maritime Safety Authority

The National Maritime Safety Authority was established by an Act of Parliament in 2003 as a not-for-profit statutory authority, to raise standards of maritime safety and prevent and control marine pollution from shipping services within Papua New Guinea waters.

The Authority's primary responsibilities are to undertake government regulatory functions on safety of shipping services and to meet expectations of the shipping industry, its customers and coastal communities for a safe, efficient and environmentally responsible shipping sector as it is regarded very crucial to Papua New Guinea's social and economic development. The Authority's functions and responsibilities are defined in the NMSA Act 2003 and are summarised under the following headings:

1. Maritime Safety

  • Ensure a fully - functioning and effective network of maritime navigational aids;
  • Ensure the availability of high-quality, up-to-date navigational charts;
  • Ensure that vessels meet the safety standards required by PNG's legislation, regulations and commitments under International Maritime Organisation (IMO) conventions;
  • Ensure seafarers competency through certification and documentation of work experience;
  • Help to coordinate responses to distress calls.

2. Marine Pollution Control

  • Issue and enforce pollution control standards in accordance with international agreements;
  • Help to coordinate the clean-up of marine pollution;

3. Corporate Governance - Efficiency, Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability

  • Maintain full cost recovery, control costs and ensure efficient and effective management reporting;
  • Equip Staff with the skills and resources needed to carry out their tasks efficiently and effectively;
  • Collaborate with international agencies, national, provincial and local governments and coastal communities;
  • Keep the public, industry and the Government fully informed of the Authority's activities.

NMSA Departments: 

Departments under Technical Division

  • Ships Safety & Inspections Dept
  • Navigational Aids Dept
  • Community Development Dept
  • Hydrographic Dept

Department under Corporate Division

  • Information Technology
  • Finance & Administration Dept
  • Human Resource Dept
  • Legal Dept

Technical Departments depending from the National Port Corporation Ltd

The Engineering Department headed by the General Manager Engineering, is responsible for managing all aspects of infrastructure maintenance and development. Infrastructure includes wharves, storage areas, roads, drainage, paving, buildings and premises. Engineering is also responsible for repairs and maintenance of all buildings. The Operations Department headed by the Chief Operations Officer is responsible for managing all operational aspects of the all 16 ports to ensure that PNG Ports Corporation Ltd meets the needs of all stakeholders, achieve expected levels of productivity and efficiency and comply with both PNG regulatory requirements and international standards. Operations are also responsible for overseeing security and the management of pilotage services in all the ports. The Finance Department headed by the Chief Finance Officer is responsible for the sound financial management of PNG Ports Corporation Ltd including preparation and monitoring of budgets, ensuring compliance with PNG Legislative requirements and financial reporting. The Corporate Services Department headed by the General Manager Corporate Services is responsible for providing support to the organisation through effective of human resource management, legal services, property management and employee housing, fleet management and procurement and community affairs. The Commercial and New Business Department headed by the Chief Commercial Officer is responsible for maintaining relationships with stakeholders and developing new business opportunities. Corporate communication is a key focus for this department as the organisation seeks to rebuild its corporate reputation. The department also provides support to the organisation by way of financial and economic analysis which inform managerial decision making. Policy development and reporting on corporate performance to the Board are further responsibilities. The Information and Communications Technology headed by the Chief Information Officer is responsible for IT and communications infrastructure including hardware and software, which is vital to the organisation as data management is critical to business success and running efficient and effective port operations. Maritime Compliance division is headed by the Chief Maritime and Compliance Officer who reports to the CEO.  The division is responsible for managing and controlling the overall physical environment of the ports, harbours and the facilities that are controlled and managed by PNG Ports Corporation Limited to ensure marine, companies and communities lives are  protect and operate in a safe and clean environment. Furthermore, it is responsible for managing and maintaining the legal and regulatory compliance matters relating to safety, security and environmental concerns consistent with PNG Ports Corporation Limited policies and procedures. Business Assurance is headed by the Business Assurance Manager. Their main responsibilities are to provide assurance on the adequacy of the internal control system and in particular;

  • The extent of compliance with relevant established policies, plans and procedures;
  •  The adequacy and application of financial and other related management controls;
  • The extent to which the PNG Ports assets and interests are accounted for and safeguarded from loss.

In other words they provide assurance to PNG Ports on best business practices and in compliance with the national statutory bodies policies and procedures like IPBC and IRC etc. 

4.1 Papua New Guinea Government Contact List

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