1.2 Niger Regulatory Departments & Quality Control

The Direction des ONGs et Associations de Développement  (DONGAD - Directorate for NGOs and Development Associations) oversees the humanitarian community and interacts with customs and revenue offices to tax exempt goods and materials for humanitarian purposes. The Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI - General directorate for taxes) is the governmental organisation that handles tax revenue. The Direction Générales des Productions Végétales (DGPV – Directorate for agricultural products) conducts inspections of foodstuffs.

The standards are the responsibility of the Agence Nationale de Vérification de Conformité aux Normes[1] (AVCN- national agency for verification and compliance). They control and assure the quality of imported and local products. The categories they audit include drugs, contraceptives, drinking water, beverages, cereals and derivatives of cereals, milk and dairy products, meat and fish. The food standards comply with international standards set by WHO and FAO – Codex Alimentarius. AVCN is supported by the public health ministry’s sanitary police (police sanitaire) who collect samples to be tested. The Laboratoire National de Santé Publique et d'Expertise (LANSPEX – national laboratory for public health and expertise) conducts the analysis and tests. Formally LANSPEX is under the ministries of public health and finance, and set to assure and control the quality of medicines, foodstuffs, drinking water, sewage and pesticides. LANSPEX also trains toxicological technicians.

The Direction des Pharmacies, des Laboratoires et de la medicine traditionelle  (DPHL - department of pharmacy laboratories and traditional medicin) oversees the medical and pharmaceutical sector. The Comité du Selection Medical (CSM - medical selection committee) examines requests for medicines to be allowed on market, registers generic medicines and supervises allowed medicine. LANSPEX performs tests and analysis.

Fuel is under the ministry of energy and oil. Societe Nigerienne des Produits Petroliers (SONIDEP – Nigerien petrol products enterprise) is a State-owned Petroleum Company that has a monopoly on the importation and sales of oil products such as fuel. Imported fuel is required to pass by Sorey where a visual control and laboratory testing of quality is conducted. However, large quantities of fuel are smuggled in notably from Nigeria and are sold openly along the roads, seemingly without governmental interference.

Trade agreements that Niger adhere to, and regional organisations they belong to, includes WTO, ECOWAS, UEMOA, EN-SAD and the African Union. WTO, World Trade Organisation, regulates trade between the member states by providing a framework for negotiating and formalising trade agreements. WTO also settles trade disputations. ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African States, works for economic integration across the region through an economic and trade union. It also serves as a peacekeeping force. UEMOA, the West African Economic and Monetary Union, is a customs and currency union between the states that share the FCFA. CEN-SAD, the Community of Sahel-Saharan States, aims to create a free trade area within Africa. The Liptako-Gourma Authority (LGA) aims to create a common framework for Niger; Mali and Burkina Faso to develop mineral, energy, hydraulic and agricultural resources. The African Union includes every African state but Morocco and among its objectives is to harmonise policies among all the Regional Economic Communities.


For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links:



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