Cook Islands
1.2 Cook Islands Regulatory Departments & Quality Control

The politics of the Cook Islands, an associated state, takes place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democracy within a constitutional monarchy.

The Cook Islands is not a United Nations member state but has had their "full treaty-making capacity" recognised by the United Nations Secretariat and is a full member of the WHO and UNESCO, UN specialised agencies is an associate member of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and a Member of the Assembly of States of the International Criminal Court.

Emergency Management Cook Islands (EMCI)

EMCI is the designated governmental division charged with ensuring the maintenance of the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) plan and all necessary sub-plans for the Cook Islands. This involves combining a high state of preparedness from emergency services to respond to disasters (disaster management) with an on-going investment in activities that reduce the risk and vulnerability of the economy and communities (disaster reduction)


Ministry Of Infrastructure Cook Islands (MICI)

The Ministry Of Infrastructure Cook Islands (MICI) is responsible for the majority of governmental capital infrastructure projects across the Cook Islands and also some of the regulatory responsibilities and projects. MICI works with donor partner, Island Governments, other departments, the private sector and the community to implement activities and projects and carry out operations and maintenance of public infrastructure assets. It is responsible for infrastructure projects in the Pa Enua (Outer Islands).


Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM)

 The ministry serves four (4) separate functions, namely:

  • Treasury Operations concerning Fiscal and financial management of public expenditure
  • Revenue collection (tax and customs)
  • Collection and dissemination of statistics and
  • Responsible for the planning and overall management of donor program and project activities


Jointly with the Office of the Prime Minister it has responsibility and oversight for the Communications/Telecommunications sector.


Ministry Of Agriculture

The Cook Islands Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for agricultural development, legislation and sustainability , quarantine  and Bio security in the Cook Islands. Biosecurity Cook Islands operates very strict biosecurity procedures at airports and ports to prevent the introduction of unwanted pests and diseases of plants and animals. The main focus of Biosecurity is to manage biosecurity risk and facilitate trade into and out of the Cook Islands

The Cook Islands National Environment Service

The Cook Islands National Environment Service is the central government agency charged with protecting, managing and conserving the environment of the Cook Islands


Ministry Of Health

The Government through Te Marae Ora is the main provider of health care services in the Cook Islands. Services of the Ministry are complemented by a range of Civil Society and Non-government Organisations such as the Red Cross Society, Te Vaerua, Te Kainga, CI Family Welfare Association, CI Child Health and Welfare Association and the Creative Centre. The core function of the Outer Islands Health Services directorate is mainly to provide accessible and equitable health care with a focus on preventative and basic primary and secondary health care services.

Ministry Of Transport

The Cook Islands is a country dependent upon maritime and aviation transport, both nationally and internationally. The Ministry of Transport is charged with carrying out all of the functions of maritime and aviation administration necessary under international and national law

In addition, the Cook Islands Meteorological Service is a division of the Ministry of Transport providing weather updates, forecasts and warnings for the Cook Islands.


Ministry Of Internal Affairs

Among its responsibilities, of relevance to the Logistics Infrastructure, The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the government agency responsible for regular cleaning and maintenance of public roads.

Office Of the Prime Minister

The Office of the Prime Minister Cook Islands (OPM) is responsible for Central Policy and Planning, Emergency Management, Information Communication Technology, Corporate Services, Cabinet Services and Research.


Ministry Of Police

Responsibility for all uniformed police activity in addition to Meteorological Branch and Disaster Management.



Cook Islands Chamber Of Commerce

Whilst not empowered in regulatory activities it is worth noting this organization is active in the region and with around 100 full members and 204 members with associate membership, the Chamber has wide ranging connections to private enterprise in the Cook Islands and can potentially source many products and services through its database. It coordinates between EMCI and its membership for disaster preparedness.


For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List.



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