1.2 Bolivia Regulatory Departments

Bolivia Regulatory Departments

For further information on Bolivia Government and regulatory department contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Bolivia Government Contact List


The State regulatory system is structured according to commercial, economic or operational activities. In the specific case of actions which the humanitarian community carries out and the need to import special inputs, it comes down to state specialized departments and laboratories.

Improving and protecting the health condition of productive agriculture and forestry heritage, as well as ensuring food safety is the responsibility of the National Service of Agricultural Sanitation SENASAG.

IBNORCA (Bolivian Institute of Quality Standards) develops standards for goods and services, in accordance with the dynamics and the national needs, guiding them to the harmonization with international standards and recommendations.

The National Institute of Health Laboratories (Instituto Nacional de Laboratorios de Salud) INLASA is a leading and benchmark institution that works in accordance with the National Health Plan, issuing standards and laboratory procedures to achieve the establishment of quality in the results of analytical processes carried out on samples of processed or natural products that are produced or used in the country.

SENASAG; in the Animal Health Unit, SENASAG is responsible for the areas of inspection and animal quarantine, veterinary epidemiology, livestock supplies registration and animal health diagnosis/ analysis.

In Plant Health Unit, it is responsible for the areas of plant inspection and quarantine, epiphytiology, registration of agricultural supplies, plant and pesticides diagnosis and analysis.

In the Food Safety Unit, inspection and control of food, registration of food processing industries and food residue analysis.

IBNORCA; It coordinates standardization work with the public and private sector in the elaboration, implementation, and application of standards. It develops and applies certification systems for goods and services, inspection processes for conformity of products, services and facilities.

INLASA; in the area of food safety, INLASA is responsible for food control and food handler training, analysis of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron in fortified foods, nutritional management, count of microorganisms, fungi, yeasts, poison food and food chemistry.

SENATEX; National Service of Pre-Export Verification. Entity responsible for managing the RUEX (single registry of exporters) and issue the certificates of origin for the goods subject to export, within the framework of trade agreements and preferential regimes which benefit the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

IBMETRO; is the national reference for all measurements. Protects and maintains national measurement patterns. It provides services of calibration, accreditation and verification through the units of industrial, legal, scientific metrology and accreditation.

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