3.5 Marshall Islands (RMI) Food and Additional Suppliers

Other than fish and coconut products RMI import all food goods. Food is retailed through 3 main supermarkets in the retail space and provides small wholesaling function attached to their main retail form of business. These super markets K and K, Cost Price and Formosa are the main food importers into the country. They can along with other local entrepreneurs import additional food stocks and other items as required.

There is a limited food processing industry in RMI comprising a Tuna cannery and Copra processing plant. There is no other food manufacturing in RMI.

Supplies of bulk food will need to be imported to meet additional humanitarian requirements. The supermarket and hardware stores, given the diversity of products they import and the existing connections they have, will be able to import a wide range of goods for humanitarian response.

The type and quality of goods to be imported however will need to be monitored closely as lower quality cheaper goods are generally what is stocked throughout retail outlets.

The Observatory of Economic Complexity – MIT (OEC): https://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/mhl/