2.3 Guinea-Bissau Road Network

Guinea-Bissau Road Network

For details on Guinea-Bissau Road Network contact details, please see the following link:

4.1 Guinea-Bissau Government Contact List

Guinea-Bissau Roads


Bissau: Most of Bissau urban network lacks well-maintained roads.


Country: With a road network of about 4,400 km nationwide only 10 percent (453 kilometers), on the main axes of the country, are paved. Most roads are unpaved with many deep ditches.


The public road network is state owned and is administered by the Ministry of Public: Ministério das Obras Publicas, Construções e Urbanismo (Ministry of Public Works) Direcção Geral das Estradas e Pontes.


For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Guinea-Bissau Government Contact List


Distance Matrix


Distance to main towns


Bissau à Bafata                      149 km


Bissau à Quinhamel               43 km


Bissau à Quanchugo              71 km


Bissau à São Domingos         117 km


Bissau à Fulacunda                255 km


Bissau à Gabu                         199 km


Bissau à Cacheu                    103 km

Road Class and Surface Conditions

For information on Guinea-Bissau Road Class and Surface Conditions, please see the following document: 

Guinea-Bissau Road Network Information

For additional information on Guinea-Bissau Road Network, please see the following link: 

Guinea-Bissau Road Network Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.