1 Nicaragua Country Profile

1 Nicaragua Country Profile

Nicaragua Country Profile

Nicaragua is located in the center of the Central American isthmus. In grades 11 and 15 north latitude, 83 and 88 degrees west longitude. The total area of Nicaragua is of 130,373.47 km². Bordered on the north by Honduras and on the south by Costa Rica.

West by the Pacific Ocean: Adjacent to El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica.On the east by the Caribbean Sea: with Honduras, Jamaica, Colombia and Costa Rica. The Nicaraguan territory is divided administratively into 15 departments and two autonomous regions. 

For further information on Nicaragua, please see the following document: 

General Overview of Nicaragua

For a generic country overview, please consult the following sources:

Generic Information:

Wikipedia information for Nicaragua

IMF information for Nicaragua

Ecnomist Intelligence Unit information for Nicaragua*

(*note - this is a paid service)


Humanitarian Info:

WFP information for Nicaragua

Redhum / UNOCHA information for Nicaragua


Facts and Figures:

Wolframalpha information for Nicaragua

Worldbank information for Nicaragua

World population review information for Nicaragua

1.1 Nicaragua Humanitarian Background

Nicaragua Humanitarian Background


Disaster, Conflict and Migration

Disasters caused by natural events


Comments / Details



High risk: Primarily relates to the occurrence of El Niño. The 2014 is the year of the worst drought in 32 years has filed in this country.

Also, there was an increase of 6 to 7 degrees in the ambient temperature. Since beginning the rainy season rainfall decreased by 50% compared to previous years accumulated, affecting crops and water sources for human consumption.

Mainly in the dry zone of the country. From 152 municipalities, 53 with a 35% have historically presented drought and is known as the dry corridor. 28% of them have a very high risk and 7% higher.



High risk for being sudden events. The area of the Pacific is the most vulnerable by the earthquake faults and volcanic chain extending from Cosigüina volcano to the island of Ometepe.

According to current records INETER, 37% of municipalities have some level of threat posed by earthquakes. Of these, 44% are within a high threat level, standing 100% of the municipalities along the Pacific coast.

Among these, the highest risk is managua, considered most vulnerable city is the only municipality in the country with 10 scale earthquake risk by having 18 active faults.

Followed by other municipalities in risk are located in the west of the country. The last occurred event was the April 10, 2014, in the town of Nagarote



The 2013 is considered the year with the highest increase in dengue cases in the country. Until August 2014 it’s recorded a 63% reduction in cases over the previous year as reported by MINSA.

The populations most affected are southern Caribbean, Managua, Nueva Segovia, Leon and Boaco. Another epidemic that is threatening the country with 12 Chikungunya cases reported to date, all imported into the country.

The Ministry of Health has stepped up measures to counter these epidemics.

Temperature Extremes

(Climate Change)


The phenomenon of El Niño and the late entry of winter in Nicaragua in 2014, has produced for the month of May a historic reduction in rainfall that largely correspond to those located in the famous dry corridor extending towards the central Pacific and south.

Increases in average temperature between 1 and 2 degrees for the first decades (2020-50) project, and between 3 or 4 ° C by the end of the century, with the Pacific Coast area of greatest increase.

These changes directly affect the levels of poverty, food security, employment and sustainable development (UNDP).



High risk. During the rainy season, from May to October, the country has 1,615 hotspots in 153 municipalities 61.688 families at risk from flooding.

This threat is associated with the passage of various weather phenomena such as depressions, tropical storms and hurricanes.



The coffee harvest in Nicaragua has been affected by rust in the periods 2012-2013 to 37% of the crop, which means that the 2013-2014 harvest tends to decrease affecting the economy in the activities of coffee production involved about 700,000 people,

according to official figures, and directly involved at least 360.438 cutters. In the current cycle rust affected coffee production in 66,000 acres of land in Nicaragua, leaving about 132,000 unemployed cutters.

Avalanches / landslides


Landslides are associated with causes of tectonic or climatic origin mainly.

One of the slides that has affected the country has been the Casitas volcano in 1998 covering an area of ,16 km long and 8 wide has been the biggest landslide caused by Hurricane Mitch in the range of Maribios.

Volcanic Eruptions


High risk from volcanic chain located along the Pacific coast, plus flares is a very common causes telluric movements latent threat.

The most active volcanoes are the San Cristobal and Concepcion Telica, Cerro Negro, Masaya volcano. In 2012 the San Cristobal volcano erupted and were evacuated around 20,000 people.



High risk. Earthquakes associated with the movement of tectonic plates Cocos and Caribbean. The municipalities are the most vulnerable of the Pacific Coast.

On September 1, 1992, a tidal wave destroyed much of the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. The wave was between 4 and 10 meters high and was caused by an earthquake (7.3 on the Richter scale) on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

Forest fires


Forest fires are a major threat to forests due to fires for agricultural and livestock activities of control. In the past decade have affected about 5 million hectares of land,

leaving economic losses of US $ 9.0 million per year on average. From January 8 to 19 May 2008 the area affected by forest fires was 21,724.29 hectares; for the period from 2 January to 12 May 2009, the area affected by forest fires was 20.087 hectares.



According to historical records, in the last 20 years Nicaragua has been affected by tropical cyclones that have submitted category Hurricane by 45%, 50% as Tropical Storm and only 5% as a Tropical Depression.

The hurricanes that have affected more strongly the country have been Hurricane Joan (1988), Hurricane Mitch (1998), Hurricane Felix (2007), Hurricane Ida (2009) However, the higher frequency of this phenomenon is in September and October.


Civil strife



International Conflict


Conflict of Rio San Juan Nicaragua- Costa Rica

Colombia-Nicaragua maritime conflict

Internal displacement








Landmines was the result of the internal armed conflict 1979-1990. In June 2010, the Army of Nicaragua announced that demining operations have been performed and declared Nicaragua as a country of clear landmines.

However, caution is recommended in the affected areas should avoid travel off road.

Seasonal Affects on Transport



From (month) to (month)

Primary Freight

No greater impairment during the year. The country's main roads are in good condition.


Secondary transport by road

In rainy season the secondary land routes are affected and limited access to transport, especially in areas of the Atlantic coast and north of the country.

May to october

Rail transport



 Air transport

May be restricted for a few days during the hurricane season or intensive tropical depressions in the country.

May to november

River transport

During the dry season, most waterways have navigation problems for ships and cargo transport. Because of the drought of rivers. Access for small boats (pangas and boats)

February to April

In Nicaragua there are two seasons: The winter is from May to October, and summer from November to April. The rainy season lasts from June to November. The climate of the country varies greatly from one coast to another, on the Atlantic coast the rainy season extends for 9 or 10 months, with the dry season only in the months of May and April. In 2013-2014 period is considered the most affected by drought due to the El Niño phenomenon, this has affected crops in municipalities in the dry zone of the country, causing great losses to small farmers in the area. Also the rainy season affects secondary access roads to get crops. At this time the coffee crop, sugar cane, peanuts, coffee and other basic goods recorded.


Seasonal Affects on storage and handling (economic, social, climate ...)



From <month> to <month>


Pre-positioning of stocks in the North Atlantic Region is advisable before the rainy season.



Product management unit is in the area. If land preferably in dry season and if waterway preferably in the rainy season because it facilitates access and that raises the water level.



For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters:

Emdat website information for Nicaragua

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response


For information on Nicaragua government contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Nicaragua Government Contact List

Nicaragua has Act 337, and Act 863 reform creator of the National System for Prevention, Mitigation and Attention to Disasters, as part of a policy and institutional legal framework of comprehensive disaster risk management in the country. Has updated planning tools that meet government mandates and strategies, regional agreements and international commitments of the country. From the point of view of human resources for disaster risk reduction in the country has the government entities that act according to their functions defined in Act 337.

 There are levels of coordination between the different actors in risk management within the SINAPRED stated in his creative Act, which defines the joint structures, functional relationships, methods and procedures between the ministries and public sector institutions and organizations of various social, private sectors and departmental, regional and municipal authorities. All this in order to perform actions in agreement aimed at reducing risks from disasters both natural and anthropogenic events, in order to protect the general public and their property.

 According to Law 863 "there are two Co-directions as organs of administrative support and implementation of the National System, which are headed by a Co-director each, appointed by the President, who exercise legal representation the national system, as it relates to the scope of its jurisdiction. Besides, there are 9 sectoral working committees coordinated by state institutions (Education and Information, Health, Environment, Transport and Infrastructure, Supplies, Consumer protection, Natural Phenomena, Special Operations and Security). The Civil Defense Army Nicaragua is the body which coordinates Disaster Operations Center (CODE) activated at national and regional level in an emergency. http://legislacion.asamblea.gob.ni/

 The country has scientific and technical information of threats and vulnerabilities, tool damage assessment and training protocols for action, National Risk Management Plan. And office infrastructure, CODE Special Operations Center managed by the Civil Defense Army Nicaragua. Warehouses for storage of supplies in each of the institutions of government, a winery in Matagalpa, one in the RAAS and two warehouses in Managua one recently constructed by WFP, with 500 metric tons (11 million pounds) and is located at kilometer 7 South Road, in extensive grounds in which wineries can be installed quickly moving, if required more storage. http://es.wfp.org

SINAPRED cellar built by WFP

Humanitarian community

The Humanitarian Network RedHumRed identified as Nicaragua, is co-led by the Executive Secretary of SINAPRED and UN Resident Coordinator. This was established in 2010 by 52 humanitarian organizations responding to the shared obligation to alleviate human suffering, raising the impact of humanitarian action and commitment to improve the coordination and participation of all humanitarian actors in preparedness and response to disasters.

The main objective of REDHUMRED is to organize and strengthen humanitarian network, composed by SINAPRED, NGOs, Cooperating Agencies, Private Companies, Civil Society Agencies, Funds and Programmes of the United Nations system to optimize the predictability of humanitarian response.

A UN level has a UNDMT organizational structure is expected instance, within the United Nations System, to meet emergency management disaster. This team is composed of representatives of the agencies of the UN system.

UNETT is made by the agency that coordinates the UNETT and focal points or emergency specialists from each agency of the UN system in the country.

UNETE represents the level by which the coordination of actions to support the management of the emergency and where measures Interagency and interagency coordination are deployed runs. Currently WFP is the lead agency for this area of UN coordination in Nicaragua.

For information on Nicaragua humanitarian contact details, please see the following link: 

4.2 Nicaragua Humanitarian Agency Contact List

1.2 Nicaragua Regulatory Departments

Nicaragua Regulatory Departments

In Nicaragua there are instances authorized and able to control various items such as fuel, food, medical supplies, among other regulations. The main public and private entities are presented.

Foreign Ministry: governs requests for duty free import by certifying the applicant organization registered in Nicaragua and has tax-free status, as well as items that are imported as donations.

Ministry of Finance: Issues and approves tax exemption forms obtained in this Ministry. Managing the tariff and customs system. Reviewing requests for waivers and exemptions for diplomatic and consular missions and international organizations, cooperation agencies and implementers of projects financed with resources from international cooperation, as conventions and agreements signed by the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua.

Ministry of Health: Responsible for authorizing the import request humanitarian food and medical supplies by issuing permits for the importation of food and medicine

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: Using the General Directorate of Protection and Animal and Plant Health, the Institution guarantees and provides services to veterinary diagnostic laboratories, plant, seed, waste and pollution control pesticides. Administers the national registration and control of agricultural inputs and outputs, toxic, hazardous and other similar substances. Provides sanitary and phytosanitary certificates for imports and exports. Authorizes the request for humanitarian food import burden.

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure: The regulator ground transportation nationwide. Administrative body responsible for granting concessions and services in the public transport.

Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade (MIFIC) has teams of technical scientific laboratory. Through the Food Lab, LABAL, ensures compliance with national and international standards and contributes to quality control and the development of the food industry.

General direction of customs services (DGA) Ensure compliance of national importance and export regulations. Control, collection and control of trade taxes and other revenues whose proceeds according to the customs law.

 Department of Revenue (DGI): corresponds to the direction and under the application of tax and related legislation, authorizing requests and reimbursements of direct and indirect returns for diplomatic missions and consular representatives, international organizations and their representatives taxes, as well as the programs and international cooperation projects financed with external resources.

For information on Nicaragua regulatory departments contact details, please see the following link:

4.1 Nicaragua Government Contact List

1.3 Nicaragua Customs Information

Nicaragua Customs Information

In Nicaragua there are four border posts Guasaule, Hands, El Espino and Peñas Blancas. According to the assessment made there are limited conditions for food storage. All products entering through these channels must make the appropriate arrangements and be transported to the storage site from the owner of the cargo.

Of the six ports only the Port of Corinto and Puerto Arlen Siu present product storage conditions, emergency situations can have spaces for prioritizing cargo to enter the affected population.

For information on Nicaragua customs contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Nicaragua Government Contact List

Duties and Tax Exemption

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below: 

These procedures apply to registered organizations in Nicaragua to remove its cargo for submitting documents to the Customs office, along with the commitment letter signed requiring regular procedures to complete a period of 30 days from date of import cargo.

For the reception and distribution of international humanitarian aid is coordinated and processed by SINAPRED, release of humanitarian aid is permitted without any requirement that the approval of a designated customs officer assigned to the issue in question


Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to 'crisis' times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Description of agreements / conventions

Ratified by Country?

Member of the WCO (World Customs Organization)

Date: 1998

 Kyoto Convention

Date: 2005

Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)

Date: 1998

Regional Agreements (on emergency /disaster response, and customs unions, regional integration)

1. IDB - Inter-American Development Bank

2. OAS - Organization of American States

3. SELA - Latin American and Caribbean Economic

4. ECLAC - Economic Commission for Latin America and the aribbean

5. SIECA - Secretariat for Economic Integration

(BID). www.iadb.org


sistema www.sela.org

www.eclac.org el Caribe


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

Humanitarian organizations in the country are exempt from import duties and taxes. Below are documents provide details on import procedures applicable to humanitarian organizations in the country.

1) CAUCA - Central American Uniform Customs Code.

2) RECAUCA: Regulations of the Central American Uniform Customs Code

3) Tax Equity Act, Act No. 453 (Act 453 Fiscal Equity)

Article 86 of CAUCA state that the express shipments should receive preferential treatment.

Art. 110 Urgent shipments of goods need to be properly express delivery. Especially those related to emergencies. This code and rules can be found in the Guide to Customs information www.unjlc.org

Relief shipments.

Under the provisions of art. 425 and 555 of RECAUCA relief consignments are: Goods sent to help those affected by natural disasters and to be destined for consumption in the country as food, medicine, clothing, blankets, prefabricated houses, articles for purifying and store water, or other goods of prime necessity, and other such equipment and medical-surgical and laboratory equipment and other goods for relief staff to enable them to perform their duties and help them to live and work by performing its mission.

Simplified Office.

As provided in Act 337 "creative Law of the National System for Prevention, Mitigation and Attention to Disasters" and its rules for the SINAPRED, through its national committee, this entity will undertake mitigation actions aimed at addressing the impact of disasters on people and meeting their basic needs emergency

Art. 356 RECAUCA

The receipt of relief consignments shall be made by the SINAPRED, declaration of goods will be produced automatically by the customs authority.

When relief consignments arriving consigned to institutions of social, charitable, non-governmental organizations, associations or public interest foundations, entry of goods is allowed, provided that transport documents are endorsed in favor of SINAPRED the government agency responsible for channeling aid.

For granting release of relief consignments shall not be required of the registration and submission of the customs declaration upon arrival of shipments. The statement shall be drawn from the administration office by customs after the granting release of merchandise.

SINAPRED submitted to the respective customs administration all information and documentation relevant to the preparation of the statement of respective trade, which are:

a) The bill of lading.

b) Bill of lading or airway bill, by type of transport.

c) The details of relief consignments, issued by the applicant or by the customs authorities of the exporting authority.

The office manager or the officer delegated by him shall authorize release of goods by signature and stamp listings, reasoning detected missing or surplus when the official receipt of the cargo.

Administration of Customs shall keep the originals of the documents mentioned above for the preparation of the customs declaration of permanent or temporary import accordingly as follows:

i)  For goods sent as aid to people affected by disaster, to be consumed in the country, the statement shall be prepared in the format "IMP 4000 115" in the customs computer system in version ASYCUDA WORD.

ii) If goods are destined for humanitarian aid work specified in subsection b, the customs declaration shall be drawn under the temporary importation procedure with re-using the same state model "TSG 5000 000" in the computerized customs system in version ASYCUDA WORD.

The temporal importance of relief shipments intended for humanitarian relief, will not require prior authorization from the Technical Division Customs, nor be subject to the reporting guarantee for the amount of any taxes applicable as provided in the Art.426 from RECAUCA.

Food or medicine subject to sanitary conditions shall be inspected by the MOH and the MAG.

Section 557 Permits. The presentation of the relevant import permits for relief shipments may be made after the entry of the goods.

However, for food or medicine and all those goods subject to sanitary conditions, the competent authorities may carry out pre-authorize the release of the goods inspection.

Article 560. Simplified Procedure. In the case of goods falling under the preceding Article, the Customs Service shall submit the declaration of goods to the minimum necessary steps to ensure the fiscal interest.

http://www.dga.gob.ni/ SIDUNEA WORD

Organization requirements for tax-exempt status

Agencies of the United Nations

Nicaragua has signed and ratified the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations,

which was approved by the Government on 28 October 1947. Article II, Section 7 of the UN Convention states that can import goods for consumption and programs tariffs and tax free.

Framework set out in the Vienna Convention for Diplomatic Relations of 1961, approved by the National Congress by resolution No. 15 of May 5,

1975, published in Official Gazette No. 222 of October 1, 1975, on exemptions and waivers to Diplomats bodies, organizations and agencies.


International NGOs must register in Nicaragua through the Ministry of Economy, relations and cooperation (SREC) of the Nicaraguan Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry).

Documents Required registration:

1. Application for registration signed by the director of NGO

2. Certificate of NGOs registration in the country of origin (or any other proof of legal status of NGOs in their country of origin)

3. NGOs Organic Law

4. Copy of proxy for country representative of NGOs.

Basis in law Act 453 tax fairness

Visita http://app.cancilleria.gob.ni/sysong para más información e inscripción on-line

Application for exemption from duties and taxes

General (including a list of required documentation)

  1. Fill out and submit the application form for exemption, signed by the Head of Mission or appropriate representative,
    with the Division of Privileges and Immunities of the Foreign Ministry.
  2. Photocopy of the bill of lading, whether this Bill of Lading, Air Way Bill or Bill of Lading as appropriate.
  3. Copy of the commercial invoice or proforma, as appropriate.
  4. Photocopy of RESA (Reporting Inputs and Warehouse) ..
  5. Proof of donation issued by the donor in the issuing country, for cases of donations handled by international NGOs.
  6. In the case of foreign aid, you must submit a copy of current partnership agreement, if any addenda or amendments,
    exchanges of notes on the extension of the validity or otherwise amend agreement is formalized.
  7. Certification of the effectiveness of programs and projects financed with external resources, where applicable.
  8. Special permits from regulatory authorities of the government of the Republic of Nicaragua, where the nature of the goods or to import so requires, as appropriate.

 Tax Exemption Certificate is required for each item, and is issued by the Ministry of Finance (MHYCP).

Supporting documentation includes import permits and grant certificates issued by competent / government counterparts ministries and relevant shipping documents.

Import permits / certificates required:

Foreign Ministry - Donation Certificate for any supplies

MAG - food import permit

MOH - Import permit for medicines and food supplies

TELCOR - Import permit for telecommunications equipment

Required shipping documents:

Copy of invoice

A copy of B / L or AWB or Letter Donation

The Donation Certificate from the Foreign Ministry is the only document that needs to be handled directly by a humanitarian organization.

The other certificates / import permits are handled through a broker.                                                                    


Process to follow (step / flowchart)

1. Provide a copy of the invoice and B/L or AWB or Waybill to his customs

2. Obtain certificate of donation Foreign Ministry (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and send it to your clearing agent

3. with 1. And 2. and their clearing agents obtained an import permit from the relevant ministries

and certificates of donation from government counterparts

4. with 1., 2. and 3. presents his customs exemption request to the Ministry of Finance and Public credit

5. Ministry of Finance issued the exemption certificate that his customs required to release of cargo from customs.

- Bill

- B L or AWB or WB

- Cert source

- Phytosanitary Certificate

- Fumigation certificate

Flowchart - Exemption certificate process to import food

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure

Requirements for the Certificate of Exemption from Duties and Taxes (by commodity)



NFI (non food items)

(shelter, wash, education)


Vehicles and Parts

Supplies (office) for staff




Yes, original, 1 copy,

apply for UN and do not for NGOs]

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

AWB/BL/Otro documento de transporte

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

Yes, original, 1 copy,

it applies to the

United Nations and NGOs

Donación/Certificado de No comercial

Sí, en caso



factura aplicar

1 copia,

se aplica a la ONU

y las ONG

Sí, en caso



factura aplicar

1 copia,

se aplica a la ONU

y las ONG

Sí, en caso



factura aplicar

1 copia,

se aplica a la ONU

y las ONG

Sí, en caso



factura aplicar

1 copia,

se aplica a la ONU

y las ONG

Sí, en caso



factura aplicar

1 copia,

se aplica a la ONU

y las ONG

Sí, en caso



factura aplicar

1 copia,

se aplica a la ONU

y las ONG

Lista de embalaje







Otros documentos

certificado de







Certifcado original




Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs Information

Document requirements

a) The bill of lading or contract of carriage concerned;

b) The document of the competent authority to authorize treatment relief shipments provided for in this Section and exemption of taxes,

or emergency declaration issued by the competent bodies, to establish waiver of applicable taxes;

c) The details of relief consignments, issued by the requesting authority or by the customs authorities of the exporting country



prohibited Items

NARCOTICS, PROTECTED SPECIES, pornographic materials

General Restrictions:


Documentation requirements for the clearance (by commodity)



NFI (artículos no alimentarios)

(refugio, lavado, educación)


Vehículos y repuestos


(de oficina) para el personal

Equipo de


Certificado de exención de D&T

(diseño y tecnología)



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs




applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs


Otro documento de transporte



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs

Donación/Certificado de No comercial

Yes, in case






applies to

both UN

and NGOs

Yes, in case






applies to

both UN

and NGOs

Yes, in case






applies to

both UN

and NGOs

Yes, in case






applies to

both UN

and NGOs

Yes, in case






applies to

both UN

and NGOs

Yes, in case






applies to

both UN

and NGOs

Lista de embalaje



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs

Certificado fitosanitario



applies to

both the United Nations

and NGOs






Otros documentos

Original Certificate




Original Certificate





Additional Notes

For rice and beans US origin, a phytosanitary certificate should read "Free Trogoderma granarium" To a mixture of corn and soy foods like compounds, a Certificate of GMOs should be presented.

For edible oils, a quality certificate is necessary to indicate the date of manufacture, expiry date and analysis of peroxide and stale.

Admission requirements of food as a donation

a. Overall cash payment of import duty for the Authorization for Importation of Foods (C $ 300.00).

b. Authorization Form Filling Food Import.

c. Submit a copy of the invoice on which the product to enter detailed.

d. Fill form that includes the Income Statement of Donated Goods.

e. Meet the NTON 03 046-04, Technical Regulations for admission of food as a donation.

f. After receiving the donation submit three samples of 500 grams each for solids and 3 samples each liter for liquids.

g.  Payment of fee by conducting laboratory analysis NDRC.

 Import Authorization Mechanism for Food

a. The applicant filed with the Department of the Food Regulation requirements.

b. This Office will verify the documentation submitted.

c. The Regulations of firm foods and seal the original and copy of the Authorization Form Food Import a period not exceeding 24 hours and is delivered to the party concerned.

d. Authorized data to the information system product is entered.

Transit Regime

Transit Regime

International Transit Declaration is the only thing necessary for humanitarian goods in transit Nicaragua document.

Standard rules apply equally in emergency. It does not require backup during transport. This is at the discretion of the owner of the cargo.