3.1 Tunisia Fuel

3.1 Tunisia Fuel

Tunisia is a small producer of oil and natural gas. Oil production began in 1966 and peaked at 118,000 barrels / day in 1980 and stands at 63,000 in 2019. The country became a net importer in the year 2000. The country's main deposit was also the first discovered in El Borma in 1964, on the Tunisian-Algerian border. The Gulf of Gabès offers offshore production centered on the Ashtart deposit, which was put into production in 1974 by Elf Aquitaine. Gas production increased in the 2000s thanks to two offshore deposits, Miskar (producing from 2006) and Hasdrubal (2009). These two deposits are now experiencing a natural decline in production. The only refinery in the country, managed by the Tunisian Society of Refining Industries, is located in Bizerte. Its capacity is 34,000 barrels / day, a production far below the consumption of the country, which therefore imports refined products, especially diesel. Refined petroleum is also mainly imported.

Information may also be found at:http://www.mytravelcost.com/petrol-prices/ which is updated monthly. 

4.1 Tunisia Government Contact List

4.7 Tunisia Fuel Providers Contact List

Fuel Pricing

Fuel Prices as of: March 2020


 0.645 USD / liter


 0.536 USD / liter


 0.92 USD / liter

Jet A1

 1.47 USD / liter

Jet Fuel price evolution in Tunisia from Jan to August 2020


Jet Fuel Price (US Dollars per Gallon)

Jet Fuel Price (US Dollars per Gallon)

Jet Fuel ROC

Jet Fuel ROC

Jet Fuel / Jet Fuel Price Ratio

Jan 2020



-6.13 %

-6.13 %


Feb 2020



-15.08 %

-15.08 %


Mar 2020



-36.85 %

-36.85 %


Apr 2020



-36.41 %

-36.41 %


May 2020



13.20 %

13.20 %


Jun 2020



43.29 %

43.29 %


Jul 2020



10.27 %

10.27 %


Aug 2020



2.58 %

2.58 %


Seasonal Variations 

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel, e.g. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military?

YES. According to the information, it is planned that in the event of crisis, shortage or catastrophes, certain basic central services have priority than others such as the Ministry of National Defense, hospitals and first-line emergency personnel.

Is there a rationing system?

YES. The state provides percentage rationing.

Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized?

YES. The state government provides fuel lower income to vulnerable groups as the country is producing a small quantity of fuel

Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs?

YES. The State government controls the fuel distribution chain

Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs?

YES. Each UN agency can have contract directly with a reputable supplier.

Fuel Transportation

The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2004 (CDG), as amended by The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment (Amendment) Regulations 2005 require that petrol should be carried in UN approved containers (called Packages), which are properly stowed on the vehicle. The packages should be marked with the "flammable" diamond and with the UN number for petrol (UN 1203). Up to 333 liters may be carried as a "small load" which means that only general training needs to be given to the driver and that the vehicle only needs to carry 1 2kg fire extinguisher.

These regulations do not affect purely private carriage. Any vehicle involved in work activity and carrying more than 333 liters whether from the Private or Public sector should be fitted with appropriate hazard warning signs and the driver should receive specialized training. The vehicle should carry specific fire extinguishers and a dangerous goods safety adviser should be appointed.

Standards, Quality and Testing

As of January 2006 leaded fuel has been completely phased out of the country. On sulphur levels in fuels, Tunisia is moving to 50ppm and 15ppm. 

In order to guarantee you the best quality of products and services, Tunisia fuel companies assure these following commitments to align with the government control.

Tunisian Hydrocarbons Code: Adaptation of the permit granting process to international good practices Link

Link of Ministry of Industry news concerning the energy transitions

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel?

Yes. Installed by a professional team

Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft?

Yes. Monitor also in regular basis

Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks?

Yes. Monitor also in regular basis

Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment?

Yes. Installed by a professional team

Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority?

Yes. Authority standards are applied in this regard.

If yes, please identify the appropriate national and/or regional authority.

Minstry of Industry, Energy and Mines

Immeuble Panorama, 40 avenue du Japon, Montplaisir, Tunis 1002 - Tunisie

Téléphone : (+216) 71 901 953,  (+216) 71 909 149

E-mail : contact(at)energiemines.gov.tn)

If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced?


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories?

Yes. Authority standards are applied in this regard.

Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory


Public non-administrative establishment


La Société Tunisienne des Industries de Raffinage (STIR)


The STIR is established on a total area of 180 ha located in Zarzouna in the south of the city of Bizerte, 62 km from Tunis.

Telephone and Fax


(+216) 72 592 744, (+216) 72 590 457 




Standards Used

Sector of activity of oil refining and import


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.