Honduras - 1.2 Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

Honduras is a State governed by the rule of law, sovereign, constituted as a free, democratic and independent Republic to ensure its inhabitants the enjoyment of justice, freedom, culture, economic and social well-being. 

Honduras is a Republic governed by a Constitution for the first time on December 11,1825, this establishes the "three powers" of the State, without relationship of subordination between them.

The Legislative Power is exercised by the National Congress through 128 deputies who are elected by suffrage. They meet in ordinary sessions in the capital of the republic since January 25. Among its attributions are create, decree, interpret, reform and repeal existing laws. 

The Judicial Power has the power to impart justice in the towns, free of charge on behalf of the state by magistrate and judges. It is composed of the Supreme Court of Justice, the courts of appeal and the courts by law. 

The Executive Power is exercised by the President of the Republic, representing it for the benefit of the population. The President of the Republic and three presidential appointees shall be elected in an organized and direct manner by the people. 


It is a decentralized entity attached to the Presidency of the Republic, with functional, technical, administrative and national security autonomy, with its own legal personality, responsible for the control, verification, inspection and collection of taxes, with authority and competence at the national level and domiciled in the Capital of the Republic. Created by legislative decree 170-2016, article 195. 


It exercises the function of governing and supervising entity of the assets of the State, in terms of the acts of acquisition, disposal, conservation, registration and control of all its assets, in correspondence and collaboration with the Comptroller Agencies of the Public Sector, for the achievement of the adequate and efficient administration. 

Listed below are the main entities that exercise control over specific issues such as taxes and customs, food and drug surveillance, transportation, agriculture, mining, etc. 


It is the authorized body, for the quality control of the product of animal or vegetable origin and who establishes the requirements in the process of export and import of products. 

Its objective is to ensure that national agricultural production is competitive, sustainable and with the capacity to insert itself into the international economy, responding to the needs of the domestic market and integrating into a scheme of human, social and environmental development, based on self-management, community participation, the gender equity approach and the sustainable management of natural resources. 


It is the competent administrative body to deal directly with the international traffic of goods, to control and control their passage through the customs borders of the country, to apply the legislation of customs regimes, to determine the taxes to which goods are subject, to control the exemptions granted in legal form and to fulfill the other functions established by law.  Chapter I, Customs Law of the Republic of Honduras Decree No. 212-87. 


It is responsible for the supervision, review, verification, control, surveillance and supervision of compliance with legal, technical and administrative regulations of establishments, suppliers, products and services of health interest and those that carry out activities or practice behaviors that affect or may have an impact on the Health of the Population, and the regulation, granting, renewal,  modification, suspension or cancellation of registrations, permits, licenses, certifications and other sanitary authorizations. 


Responsible for the design, direction, coordination and execution of animal health and plant health programs, issuing rules to guide public and private actions in these matters. To this end, it is responsible for the application of sanitary standards and procedures for the import and export of agricultural products, including the diagnosis and epidemiological surveillance of pests and diseases, the quarantine control of import and export products, the coordination of phyto-animal health programs and campaigns, and the coordination of the different activities related to agricultural health. 

The Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock SAG, through SENASA, is responsible for the organization, execution and control of the authorization of professionals, laboratories, companies for sanitary and phytosanitary programs or actions in the country. 


It is an intergovernmental institution specialized in the areas of animal health, plant health, quarantine services and food safety. OIRSA was founded in 1953 to provide technical and financial cooperation to the Ministries and Secretariats of Agriculture and Livestock of its member states, in the protection and development of their agricultural resources. This is to ensure healthy and safe food production. 

The objective of this body is to support the efforts of Member States to achieve the development of their Animal Health, Plant Health plans and the strengthening of Quarantine Systems. The member states are: Mexico, Belize (joined in 1996), Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Dominican Republic (joined in 2003). 

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