Chad - 2.2 Chad Aviation

Key airport information may also be found at: 

Despite lack of significant aviation infrastructure throughout the country, there is a functioning aviation sector which allows for domestic and international flights of a commercial, militaristic, and humanitarian nature. The sector is comprised of two parts: military and civil. The military aviation branch is controlled by the Chadian Airforce (AAT) which operates primarily out of a joint base at the N’Djamena International Airport. The civil aviation sector is managed by the Chad Civil Aviation Authority (ADAC). ADAC supervises and promotes aviation activities in Chad to ensure safety and security at airports, effective development planning, fair competition, and the enforcement of aviation laws and measures. More specifically, ADAC is the primary authority in carrying out the following actions related to the aviation sector: 

  • Development of a national network of airports;

  • Issuance of operating permits to airports and licenses to civil aviation personnel, and development of the legislative framework that governs these mechanisms;

  • Organization of a national air traffic control system; 

  • Negotiation of traffic rights with other states;

  • Definition of the coordination procedures necessary to avoid conflicts of interest between the development and operation of an airport and the development of the surrounding area;

  • Coordination of civil and military aeronautical activities;

  • Conducting aviation accident investigations. 

The Agency for the Security of Arial Navigation (ASECNA) also plays a role in the aviation sector.  ASECNA is a regional agency within Africa that offers air navigation safety assistance and provides meteorological information to larger airports within Chad.  

According to the UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS), there are 33 airports (21 “regular” and 12 “non-regular” airfields) in operation as of April 2022. Other unpaved runways do exist throughout the country, but not classified as airports because they do not meet certain standards administered by both UNHAS and ADAC. N’Djamena International airport is the most developed airport in Chad with service to domestic and international locations. The airport’s single runway serves commercial, humanitarian, and military purposes. Detailed information regarding regular airports in Chad can be found in the subsequent subpoints of section 2.2.   

Registration of Foreign Aircrafts in Chad 

Chad does not produce airports domestically so there is a constant need to register foreign aircrafts. ADAC acts as the primary authority for the registration of foreign aircrafts and requires that a certain protocol be followed. Firstly, the interested party must follow ADAC regulations. To begin the application process, the organization or company must fill out an authorization request for either short-term or long-term registration. For short-term registration, the aircraft will be authorized to stay in Chad for 72 hours following the arrival day of the aircraft. ADAC requires that the registration approval process is initiated at least one month before the estimated day of arrival of the foreign aircraft.  The authorization request must be accompanied with the following documents, per ADAC policies: 

  1. A Customs Clearance Certificate  

  1. Bill of Entry  

  1. Certificate of De-Registration from the previous registering authority 

  1. Evidence that the aircraft has been purchased or is owned by the applicant 

In addition, ADAC requires that all aircraft owners uphold regulations by having in their possession the following documents:  

  1. Registration Certificate 

  1. Airworthiness Certificate  

  1. Radio Station License/ Installation Certificate 

  1. Noise Certificate 

  1. Insurance Certificate 

  1. Weight and Balance Certificate 

  1. AMO Approval Certificate 

  1. Maintenance Contract 

  1. Charter Agreement 

  1. The 3 last Certificates of Release to Service 

  1. Aircraft History (Incidents/ Accidents Reports) 

  1. Copy of Normal/ Emergency Checklist  

  1. Flight Manual (Approved by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation) 

  1. Minimum Equipment List Approval Page 

  1. Approval Page of the Operator’s Operational Manual 

  1. Approval Page of the Maintenance Control Manual  

  1. The Airworthiness Directives (Ads) and Service Bulletins (SBs) Statements 

  1. The Life Limited Parts Reports 

  1. Charter Agreements 

  1. Approval Page of the Structural Repair Manual (SRM) 

  1. Approval Page of the Illustrated Parts Catalogue (IPC) 

  1. Approval Page of the Wiring Diagram (WD)  

  1. Approval Page of the Trouble Shooting Manual (TSM) 

  1. Approval Page of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) 

  1. Approval Page of the Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) 

  1. Air Operator Certificate (AOC) 

  1. Copy of Overflight and Landing Clearance  

After the aircraft arrives, ADAC will conduct an inspection and to complete the authorization process. The inspection team typically consists of three people and costs a total of 90,000 XAF or 152.17 USD* (30,000 XAF/inspector). In the case of UN chartered aircrafts, procedures are subject to change. Specifically, UN chartered aircrafts are required to get Diplomatic Authorization from the Chadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and African Integration for registration. to register and may be able to get necessary clearances within 24 hours, depending on the urgency of the situation.  


The owner or operator of the aircraft must use one of the following maintenance programs as required by ADAC: 

  • Calendar inspections according to the maintenance program 

  • Inspections by flight hours and cycles 

  • Progressive maintenance program. 

Private and Non-scheduled Commercial Aircraft Landing Protocol  

Private and non-scheduled commercial aircrafts flying over or landing in Chad must request prior permission from ADAC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (for UN Aircrafts) at least 10 working days prior to departure. Requests will not be granted more than 48 hours (with exceptions depending on the situation) before the overflight or landing time and must be submitted in duplicate including the following information: 

  • Type of aircraft 

  • Registration of aircraft 

  • Name of pilot 

  • Number of crew 

  • Number of passengers 

  • Origin of aircraft 

  • Destination of aircraft 

  • Airport of stopover 

  • Airport of exit 

  • Nature of cargo 

  • Date of entry and departure 

  • Purpose of visit 

  • Services required. 

*Conversion rate is 591.43 XAF to 1 USD taken directly from the UN Treasury Operational Rates of Exchange website on July 14th, 2023.  

For more information on government agency and airport company contact information, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.4 Airport Companies Contact List.  

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